5 Ways to Make Your Bedroom the Sanctuary You Deserve

On a student budget, of course.


So you’re decorating your room. The posters fit great on that wall, that blanket from HomeGoods sits perfectly on your desk chair, and your computer case matches the color scheme to a T. But something’s not right; it feels cold. It's not because you’re in a new space; it's because you’re missing a few key components to making your room the cozy haven you’ve always dreamed of. Don’t freak out, though—I’ve got you covered on five things to get that oasis started. 

#1: Plants. Plants. And—because there’s never enough—plants. 

Before plants, my room was… cute. That’s honestly all I can really say about it since the decor was great and I loved my space. Based on the reactions I received from people after hanging greenery, however, I realized it adds something really special. It's earthy, grounding, and warm. It makes you feel like you’re growing into a space rather than forcing yourself into one. My plant of choice would have to be hanging eucalyptus. You can place them over the edge of your desk, on a window frame, or hang them with a rope plant hanger. The smell of eucalyptus is also super healing, and you can even take it into the shower with you to fix that stuffy nose in minutes. But please, by all means, buy them fake, too. I’m extremely maternal, but I cannot keep a plant alive to save my life. If you listen to nothing else I say in the rest of this article, please just let it be this section—trust me


Credit: Pinterest


#2: Cozy bedding.

Now this one seems kind of obvious. Most students are buying their bedding online, so trying to find something that looks comfortable in the pictures and actually is comfortable is hard. I suggest Dormify or Target for fluffy and somewhat affordable bedding. My roommate from last year could not believe how comfy my bed looked and literally made me help her pick out bedding online for this semester. Sleep is everything, and so is your bed. So, if you allot yourself one expensive item for your room, make it the bedding. I literally had dreams about my twin XL blankets, sheets, and pillows over the summer (like, I’m that obsessed). Also, keep it neutral. It’ll feel much cleaner, and you can have fun placing color elsewhere. 


Credit: Pinterest


#3: Fluffy seating. 

I live for my white fluffy bean bag chair. When it was the only place to sit other than the floor or my bed, my friends and I used it 24/7 to the point where it was completely deflated. Now that I have a living room and couches, it's not really something that I use anymore. But for late-night essay writing and midday naps, I couldn’t think of a better spot to place myself in. To achieve the fluffy vibe with a more mature living room space, I recommend adding colorful throw blankets and one or two decorative pillows. This allows for that ‘oasis’ to continue throughout your house rather than just constricted to your bedroom, creating a cohesive vibe all around. 


Credit: Pinterest


#4: A fun rug.

University housing can be kind of a toss-up as we all know. You don’t know whether you’re getting a closet-sized room or a room-sized closet, carpeting or hardwood, a window or not a single ounce of natural light, etc. A lot of people choose to go with basic colored rugs like gray or white, which is honestly fine (I literally have a gray rug in my living room right now). But placing a large neutral rug in a basic space can, unfortunately, add to the overall beigeness of the room. Going for a colorful rug can be everything, no matter what floors you were dealt. For a cheaper option, a multi-colored runner is a great choice. It draws your eyes into the room and can leave some floor space for that extra seating or a sleeker look.


Credit: Pinterest


#5: Warm lighting.

Besides the plants, this is one thing that changed the vibes of my room completely. That white overhead lighting is doing nothing for us but exposing acne and causing depression, so having those on as little as possible is best. Twinkle lights and a warm-colored lamp are all you need for a lighting revamp (I recommend Amazon for the cutest and cheapest options). Candles are also a warm-lighting option I am obsessed with right now. If your building allows them, placing one on your bedroom window sill and another on your coffee table will add a gorgeous smell throughout your entire space and the perfect amount of light so you can just about see that book (or magazine) page. I just can't get enough of the relaxing energy created by warm lighting. 


Credit: Pinterest


Whether you’re in a dorm, an apartment, or a house, I would recommend these 5 things to anyone in desperate need of a space that feels like your sanctuary. Walking into a clean, cozy bedroom after a long day is literally life-changing. It's one less thing to worry about, one more thing to love, and one hell of a space to hang with your favorite people (or by yourself, because that’s sometimes all we need).

Happy decorating! XOXO.

Cover Photo Credit: Pinterest


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