How to Handle Burnout

Because senioritis affects more than just seniors.

by ILA KRISHNA ★ MARCH 23, 2022

We've officially reached the middle of the spring semester and it's safe to say a lot is going on right now. With juggling midterms, having a social life, getting sleep, and taking time for self-care, we can all agree that we are feeling overwhelmed. The burnout is real, and we are here to give you all the advice and tips for balancing your hectic schedules. 

#1: Keep a planner!

Planners are literally my lifesaver. While I'm obsessed with hardcover planners and making them aesthetically pleasing, my roommate loves her virtual planner. I utilize my planner to organize my schedule and help me stay on top of when my assignments are due. Color coding helps me manage a to-do list and makes my planner look like it's from a Pinterest board. Whether you prefer online or physical, planners are great ways to organize your ever-changing schedule and stay on track with time management. 


Credit: Pinterest


#2: Utilize a calendar 

In addition to a planner, calendars are another lifesaver. This especially came in handy when I had to fit different activities in between classes. It’s a great way to organize your life and put in what you have to do and when. Put in your classes, and other commitments and it will be a great visual to see what you have to do! I love a whiteboard calendar that you can hang up above your desk in your dorm.


Credit: Pinterest


#3: Set deadlines for yourself

Setting deadlines is a super-easy way to hold yourself accountable and feel accomplished. We all love that feeling when we turn in that 10-page paper or finally finish studying. Deadlines can help you stay on top of school work and any personal tasks you may have. Plus, once a deadline is complete, you have all the time to celebrate. 


Credit: Pinterest


#4: Make sure you’re scheduling time to do the things you love!

No matter how busy you are, always find time to do what you love. Everyone has their own go-to destresser, and it's essential to utilize that when feeling overwhelmed. Take the time to hang out with friends, watch Netflix or even treat yourself to a mental health day. These things matter and are crucial to your mental health and well-being, no matter what it is. 


Credit: Pinterest


At the end of the day, your mental health and well-being should be your utmost priority, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed, you need to take a step back and relax. Hang in there - spring break is right around the corner! 

Cover Photo Credit: Pinterest


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