Top 5 Places Syracuse Could Have Replaced Acropolis With

No, but seriously, who asked for Popeyes? 

by SYDNEY TUCK ★ MARCH 21, 2022

I don’t know about all of you, but I was pretty confused when I saw that the fast-food chicken restaurant, Popeyes, was taking the place of the well-known and well-loved pizza hub on Marshall Street, Acropolis. From a marketing point of view, there are just so many other places that would have been so much better. But, from a student, who lives on Walnut Ave, do better Syracuse. 

#1: Zoom Tan (for obvious reasons…)

Ladies, tell me Zoom Tan would not be the best addition to Marshall Street. Whether you need a quick spray tan for date night or the seasonal depression is hitting a little too hard, we all could use a tan. Plus, you really are embodying your inner Otto. Something about walking on Marshall Street and seeing Zoom Tan would honestly make my day. We have enough food places; let’s add some spice, and color, to Marshall Street. 

#2: Sweetfrog


Credit: Sweet Frog


I understand that Purple Banana just opened, and don’t get me wrong, I love it. But, something about putting a Sweetfrog on Marshall Street would solve all my problems. I mean who doesn't crave late night fro-yo? Everyone already walks around with iced coffees when it’s freezing out, so a little frozen yogurt won’t hurt anyone, even in the dead of winter. Self-serve frozen yogurt is a staple. 

#3: Chick-Fil-A


Credit: Chick-Fil-A


This may be hard for me to admit but, I’ve never had Chick-Fil-A. I know, I’m sorry. I’ve heard many great things about Chick-Fil-A, and apparently, it’s a must-have. I know my roommates would love this new addition as we have had to make multiple late-night trips across downtown Syracuse just to secure a box of nuggets. Honestly, I am sick of driving. Again, I have not had it, but I’ve also never had Popeyes. Who wouldn’t want the Original Chicken Sandwich? If you have had it, this is a staple that needs to find a new home on Marshall Street. 

#4: Stella’s Diner


Credit: Pinterest


Okay, picture this: waking up on a Sunday morning and craving a nice egg sandwich with a mimosa (if you are of age, obviously). Goodbye dining hall breakfast! Instead Stella’s would be the place. With cheaper prices and a great location, Stella’s Diner on Marshall Street would be heaven on earth. Nothing beats, stumbling to a diner in your PJ’s, and decompressing your weekend with your friends. Dropping full names and addresses with a side of your perfect brunch order equals a perfect Sunday. 

#5: Waterstreet Bagels 


Credit: Water Street Bagel Co.


Last, but not least, the perfect hangover cure: bagels. Picture this: you are stumbling to Marshall Street with your sweats on, and all you want is something to soak up last night's mistakes. Maybe you are just craving some carbs and a good old BEC, I get it. Is Popeyes great for late night drunkies? Absolutely! But, what will you eat the morning after? Nothing, because no one will want to eat fried chicken at ten in the morning. 

A word of advice Syracuse: maybe next time, try a poll to see what students will like. I know we are all still upset about Kimmel being closed, and this could have been your redemption. Sorry Syracuse, I know you tried, but Popeyes was not the move. Better luck next time!

Cover Photo Credit: Pinterest


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