The Candyman: A Profile on SU’s Most Famous Uber Driver
The only time it’s okay to take candy from a stranger.
Credit: Instagram (@cusecandyman)
Troy Boyer, 54, also known as “The Candyman,” is instantly recognizable in his infamous 2021 Dodge Durango, decked out in LED lights, shoe organizers stuffed with candy, and a customized Candyman sticker. The Uber driver works hard to set himself apart from other local drivers. Here’s why he is our favorite:
While providing an eclectic ride experience for college students, Boyer is a jack of all trades.
Boyer has been working as a field tech for the Onondaga County Water Authority for 33 years. Originally from Malone, NY, Boyer moved to Syracuse when he was 12.
He started driving for Uber in 2017. Even in the early days, candy could be found in the back of his car. His stock was limited to to Dumb Dumbs, Life Savers, and Jolly Ranchers, but it didn’t take much for Boyer to gain attention for his unique Willy Wonka-esque aesthetic. No other Uber driver in the area had candy in their car, and SU students were excited to say the least. Boyer recalls driving a girl to South Campus early on in his Uber career, and Her excitement helped Boyer realize that what he was doing was special.
“She’s FaceTiming her mom, Facetiming her friends, and she’s like ‘look what this guy has!’ I just sat and absorbed all of that excitement, and… boom. I just started putting more candy back there,” Boyer said. “My wife came up with the shoe bag idea, and when I first put that together, I knew it was gonna be a huge deal,” he said proudly.
Credit: Instagram (@cusecandyman)
As he became more well known on campus, Boyer’s daily routine started to revolve around his Uber career. After he leaves his day job as a field tech, Boyer goes to Delta Sonic to get the Candy Machine steam cleaned. He eats dinner, stocks the car with candy, and heads to campus around 8 p.m. to get the party started!
“On a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, I go from eight at night to four in the morning. It all depends on how busy it is up there,” Boyer said.
For Boyer, the SU community makes the late nights worth it. He thrives off of students’ energy, and loves nothing more than building relationships with them. It is his favorite part of being an Uber driver.
Credit: Instagram (@cusecandyman)
Credit: Instagram (@cusecandyman)
“I love having conversations with students. I think that's why they like me. I actually take interest in what they do, what they’re studying, and what they want to do in life. And students confide in me, and ask me questions– that’s really cool too,” Boyer said.
Photography Junior Katie Zager has gotten to know Boyer through numerous rides in the Candy Machine and looks forward to seeing him around campus. To students like Zager, seeing friendly faces around the community makes all the difference.
“He cares about every student on the campus as though they were his own kids. Through every encounter I’ve had with him, he’s helped me through difficult problems with friends and school and always makes sure that my friends and I make it home safely when we’re returning from a night out,” Zager said.
The Candy Man is an integral part of the campus community. He takes selfies with students and engages with them on social media, whether it's to wish them a happy birthday or express his appreciation for their Candy Machine promotion. And he has no intention of stopping anytime soon.
Credit: Instagram (@cusecandyman)
“I know there’s going to be a point where I get old. But I could be the coolest, oldest person on that campus, too. I’ll probably be 80 years old playing Van Halen and AC/DC,” Boyer said. “It’s because of all the respect and love the community has given to me. I dedicate my car 110% to SU.”
It’s safe to say SU wouldn’t be the same without a little candy. Troy, thank you for your service!
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