NONEWFRIENDS.’ Elizabeth Stuart on Personal Growth, LA, and After-Graduation Plans

She’s “Already Gone”... to the west coast.



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Somewhere in Chatham, New Jersey, elementary school students were performing in their very first musical. On stage, stood a third-grade girl playing Shere Kahn, the main villain of The Jungle Book. Something about that tiger costume must have spoken to a young Elizabeth Stuart, as this was the catalyst for the rest of her music career.

Stuart is now the lead singer of one of the most popular bands on campus, NONEWFRIENDS. However, she didn’t always hold this status. In fact, she and her future bandmates would come up with this name during their freshman year of college because they had, well, no new friends (Haha, get it ?!). This, however, wouldn’t last long as her interest in music resulted in lifelong friendships.  


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“It definitely does still kind of feel like my best friends are the people I met at that time,” said Stuart, “which I’m not mad about. They’re truly my best friends.”

The band has also helped her gain more confidence in her own musical abilities. In her three-and-a-half years at Syracuse, she went from an intimidated freshman starting her first band to performing live for hundreds of students. Wow, Such an inspiration!


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“At first I felt like I had something to prove,” said Stuart, “but now I feel like I sort of came into my own and know my worth a little more.”

Stuart isn’t the only one who knows her worth, as she now has many fans around campus who line up at shows to see her perform (Including me!)

“My friends and I bought NONEWFRIENDS. merch, and, whenever we go, we try to get in the front row so we can see everything,” said sophomore Julia Walker. “I’m sad they’re not going to be here next year, but I’m excited to see what comes next for them.”

Stuart and her bandmates do, in fact, have exciting things around the corner. Along with their new EP, the band has been preparing for shows in New York City and Los Angeles. Never having played on the West coast before, Stuart feels that this is a huge milestone in breaking out onto the indie scene.

“We’ve been at this for a while,” said Stuart, “so I feel like it’s deserved. I feel like we’ve made it”.

Playing at new venues brings all sorts of pressure because, as Stuart says, they’re the “real deal.” However, she doesn’t plan on letting the pressure get to her any time soon, as live shows bring her more excitement than anything. 

“I don’t necessarily get nervous, but it’s a huge adrenaline rush,” Stuart said. 


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Stuart and her band are extremely collaborative and self-sufficient, working together on almost everything from songwriting to production. When Stuart sits down to write a song by herself, she takes the opportunity to express how she’s feeling. 

“I have friends that can very much take inspiration from a place they’ve been, or a movie that they watched,” said Stuart. “I’m not necessarily great at that. I use songwriting as a way to get out my own personal shit.”

The members of NONEWFRIENDS. are all seniors, but Stuart has no plans on slowing down after graduation. Her goal is to go on tour by the end of the school year, however, at the end of the day, she’s happy just making music.

“I just want to continue doing what I like to do with all my friends,” said Stuart. “It’s really the best thing ever“.

Stuart’s dedication and passion make her a huge inspiration to students on campus, and it’s clear that she is capable of anything with her bandmates and best friends by her side. 


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You can find Stuart at or @elizabethrstuart

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