How to Beat the Winter Break Blues

Since when does one month feel like an eternity?


It’s that time of year when the Upstate NY weather is getting a bit too cold, and the drama is getting a bit too hot. We’re all ready to go home—experience the bliss of home-cooked food, the glare of a 60-inch TV, the comfort of having finished exams. But then we actually get there. Sure, the first few days are fun. You missed your parents, your siblings, maybe even your grandparents that live with you, but then you realize that you’re HOME, the one place where there’s always someone watching over you. 

Being home for an entire month truly makes you appreciate the freedom you have in college. When I went home for winter break freshman year, I felt like a child again. I had spent enough time making my own decisions that it felt strange having to follow someone else’s rules. The first time I went out to a college bar with my hometown friends, my mom told me to be home by midnight (AS IF!). Does she not realize I come back from frat parties at 4 AM at least three days a week in college? What is this nonsense?! To prevent myself from going stir-crazy, I had to take some drastic measures! Okay, well, maybe not drastic, but at least do something to help me keep my sanity. So, here is my advice in case you start feeling the winter break blues too (Sorry mom, your house, my rules!). 


#1: Get a job!

The easiest way to do this is to keep working your summer job if you had one. Call up your previous employer and ask them if they could use some extra help over the holidays. Retailers are always looking for extra help during the holiday rush, so even a short-term job shouldn’t be too hard to find. Not only do you get to be out of the house for a while, but you can also make up for the money you blew over Black Friday! 

#2: Hang out with friends

Be around people your own age again! Seeing your hometown friends really helps you feel like you’re a college student. Go to the movies, get dinner, or have a fun snow day. If you're lucky and you live in a town with another college, gather your girls and definitely hit their local bars. Meet new college kids or find a ~winter fling (if that’s a thing?). Maybe he can tell you what the college kids are up to in your town. 


Credit: Pinterest


#3: Take an online class

SU offers tons of online classes for students to take over winter break. If you want to lighten your credit load next semester or are falling behind in your graduation requirements, this is a great way to get ahead and keep yourself busy. Yes, the class may be time-consuming, but honestly, you have nothing to kill but time.

#4: Read!

Books? What are those? Ever since high school and college English classes forced me to read, I have refused to pick up a book voluntarily. However, I recently bought my first book since entering high school, and guess what?! I LOVE IT. Reading lets you explore a whole new side of your imagination. If you find a book you really like and take the time to read it carefully, you become addicted. Honestly, I’ve been engrossed in mine called, Come Again. Some other ones I plan to start reading are The Testing series by Joelle Charbonneau, Freshmen by Tom Ellen, and Small Favors by Erin A. Craig, My suggestion: go find a book that intrigues you and start reading! Finishing mine is already something I’m looking forward to doing over winter break. 


Credit: Pinterest


#5: Binge a new show

Nothing is more comforting to parents than watching their kids sit on the couch all day. Okay, well, that might not be true… but I’m sure they appreciate that it means you’re not drunk. And anyway, we have literally NO TIME to watch TV in college, so use the break to catch up on all the shows you’ve been wanting to watch! Some lesser-known Netflix shows that are great for binging: Dynasty, Jane the Virgin, You, and Selling Sunset. 

P.S. Try and finish the whole series over break. If you’re addicted to a show coming into the new semester, you’re not gonna be able to focus on much else!

#6: Cook!

Experiment with new recipes! We’ve been eating Ernie Davis for too long. Use this winter break to cook yourself some delicious and nutritious foods! Go online or even on Instagram or TikTok and find a recipe that looks good to you. There are some really cool ones out there that I’ve been dying to try! Even if you aren’t an experienced chef, I promise your food will turn out better than whatever they’re serving us at the dining hall…


Credit: Pinterest


#7: Start looking for a summer internship

Winter break is the perfect time to start thinking about your plans for next summer. I know it seems early, but around this time is when all those summer internship applications open up! Check out Handshake or LinkedIn for some good ones! Also, take this time to update your resume and write a good cover letter if you haven’t already!

I hope these tips help you beat the winter break blues this year and keep you feeling at least slightly productive. And if you are excited to use the break to spend quality time with your family, then just disregard everything above (I mean, what do I know anyway?). The most important thing is to enjoy the time you have away from the stress of college! But still, I already can’t wait to be back for the spring semester! 

Happy Holidays!

Cover Photo Credit: Pinterest


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