Tips for Conquering Online Classes

Alexa, play “Work from Home” by Fifth Harmony.


As high school and college classes shift to online platforms, many students are dealing with the transition from physical classrooms to Zoom and Blackboard Collaborate. For someone who has never taken online courses, adapting (and succeeding!) to this new way of learning can be tricky. However, we have some tips that will help you adjust to working from home, as well as ace your classes with flying colors! 

Build a solid routine:

One of the hardest obstacles to overcome regarding working from home is finding a sense of structure. While it may differ from person to person, having a set routine is an excellent way of making sure certain things get done on time and to the best of your ability! For example, setting aside a few hours a day to do homework, an hour for exercise, and 30 minutes for relaxing in between classes is an excellent place to start. A great way to take this step further is to write it down in an agenda or planner so you can stick to it every day!

Have a designated workspace:

A clean and organized desk is the perfect environment to focus on your work. Try not to do homework in bed, as this will lead to an inevitable Netflix binge (no judging, we’ve all been there!). If you don’t have a desk or table you can do work at, look into purchasing a bed lap tray. Also, make sure your workspace has everything you may need handy: you don’t want to interrupt your work grind to grab something!

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest


Workout as often as you can:

At-home workouts are a great way to add structure to your day, as well as get your blood flowing in between Zoom sessions. It’s also great for your mental health! There are a plethora of easy-to-follow exercises on Pinterest and YouTube. Also, there are SO many Instagram fitness influencers with awesome workout tutorials, such as HIIT and yoga. Another great option is Peloton, as they are offering 90 days of online classes completely free! They have a great selection, including dance cardio, meditation, running, and strength training.

Credit: VSCO

Credit: VSCO


Be intentional with your time:

Let’s be honest, you can probably complete all of your work in less than three hours if you were 100% productive with your time! Try not to pick up your phone between tasks, and instead attempt to get done as much as you can in one sitting. Don’t worry, Tik Tok will still be there when you finish your homework!

Write out a to-do list every morning:

This tip is an additional way to provide some structure to your day! By making a to-do list each morning, you can lay out your goals for that particular day. A great tip is to split up your list into two categories: things you need to get done and things you’d like to get done. That way, there’s some flexibility in your schedule, and you can prioritize tasks, making it easy to get the important things done first. 

Credit: VSCO

Credit: VSCO


Give yourself time to relax outdoors:

Right now can be an incredibly stressful time. With everything going on in the world, as well as the many changes occurring in our daily lives, it can be easy to get stressed out and anxious. Make sure you are setting aside time to go for a walk or read a book outside: fresh air is great for the mind and body! Another great way to calm down and relax is meditation. There are many guided meditations on YouTube or the app Calm you can follow to bring peace to your day!

Credit: VSCO

Credit: VSCO


Dedicate time to self-care:

Whether it’s doing your makeup, making your bed, cooking a nice breakfast, or changing into an outfit that isn’t your pajamas, try to do one thing each morning that helps you feel put together! It sets a positive tone for your day and allows you to feel refreshed and ready to take on classes. Plus, research from Harvard Medical School shows the more time you put into your appearance, the more successful you feel. So, take that extra ten minutes in the morning to do whatever makes you feel good!

Credit: VSCO

Credit: VSCO


Invest in blue light glasses: 

Blue light glasses are a game-changer when it comes to online school! Staring at a computer screen for multiple hours a day puts a massive strain on your eyes, even causing headaches and distorted vision. Also, there’s no need to shell out big bucks for this product: Amazon sells a two-pack for $20. With over 3,000 five-star reviews, there’s no doubt these glasses will get you through your Zoom sessions.

Credit: Amazon

Credit: Amazon


By implementing these tips, you’re sure to succeed in your online classes this semester, as well as maintain a healthy lifestyle outside of school! Also, we want to remind everyone of the importance of social distancing during this time in order to control the spread of COVID-19. Additionally, make sure you are washing your hands regularly and being conscious of touching your face and mouth. For more information regarding COVID-19, visit here. We hope everyone is staying safe, happy, and healthy!


Setting Yourself Up for Success in the Upcoming School Year


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