Setting Yourself Up for Success in the Upcoming School Year

Because we all need a bit of advice right now.

by KATE WALKER ★ MAY 27, 2020

As we look to the upcoming school year, many of us are overwhelmed with stress and fear as to what that may look like. Questions like “will students be able to return to campus?” or “what will our social life look like?” are inevitable and are likely going through every student’s mind. However, we must invite this new reality of ours, and persevere through these scary times together. We at UGirl are here to help! Here are five tips on how to set yourself up for success in the upcoming school year, COVID-19 edition.

Update your LinkedIn & resume:

A polished LinkedIn and resume are vital for success in the professional world. As professors are finalizing grades, and students are embarking on summer internships and jobs, make sure your LinkedIn and resume reflect these new experiences! Job fairs regularly visit the campus, and companies constantly review these sites seeking potential employees. Having your Linkedln and resume accurately reflects your experiences and personal brand ensures you will never miss an opportunity, therefore setting you up for success in your academic and professional journey!

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest


Clean out that backpack!:

Papers, books, binders, and everything else life throws at us seem as though they accumulate in our backpacks overnight. Most of us procrastinate and wait until the very last second to look in our backpacks, and automatically feel disordered. Begin the year with an organized backpack and necessary supplies! This extends to your computer as well. Make sure to delete unnecessary emails and organize folders with the previous years’ assignments. This simple tip will encourage you to start college on a clean slate, setting you up for a successful and organized year ahead. 

Credit: VSCO

Credit: VSCO


Create a budget (and actually stick to it):

We have all heard this tip... and ultimately failed at it. However, it is so important and is another valuable way to set yourself up for success. A great way to start is organizing your budget into two sections: academic and social. Your academic budget can consist of textbooks and readings, all the way to binders and notebooks.  On the other hand, your social budget can contain eating take-out, drinks, or off-campus activities. After creating an estimated total for the college year, now comes the hard part: where will the money come from? Whether you receive an allowance or rely on a job to fund your budget, creating a practical game-plan for the expenses of the upcoming year and actually sticking to it will contribute to a less stressful and more prosperous year.

Credit: VSCO

Credit: VSCO


Set intentions/goals for the year:

Before you embark on yet another year of studies, take a step back and reflect on your previous year. What were some positives and negatives? Is there anything you wish you did differently? What do you want your new year to look like? As a society, specifically as students in college, we are constantly on the go and looking ahead. When taking a step back and reflecting on the past year, we are allowing ourselves to place into perspective our goals and intentions for the new year. College is such a small part of our life and contains endless opportunities and resources. Setting goals and intentions, whether it be signing up for a club or creating stronger relationships with professors, allows us to appreciate and take advantage of our privilege, paving the way for a more productive and bountiful school year.

Credit: Kayla in the City

Credit: Kayla in the City


Maintain positivity!:

Keeping a positive mindset is easier said than done, especially during a global pandemic! Life is full of unknowns, and change is inevitable. For many, change brings fear and a disruptive mindset. However, we must accept these changes with open arms, and use this new reality to our advantage. Take this time to heal mentally, and recognize the uniqueness of this situation. You may never have this much free time again! Pick up new hobbies and interests, or embark on projects you may never have imagined before. This positive mindset combined with using quarantine to your advantage will allow yourself to start college on the right foot and put into reality your newfound dreams and aspirations!

Credit: VSCO

Credit: VSCO


Yes, things will be different, but invite these changes! Don’t let doubts and fears inhibit you from succeeding in the year ahead. Follow these five tips and you will find yourself thriving in the upcoming school year!


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