Gold or Silver Jewelry: Fashion’s Biggest Debate

Literally, the oldest fashion rivalry.


Most of us go through jewelry phases faster than we go through guys. Silver or gold? Can I mix them? Which jewelry won’t turn my neck green? I say it’s time to end your internal debate and figure out, once and for all, which works with your skin tone, fits your style, and just fits your overall vibe for the day and night.

The Gold Side:

I am personally a HUGE gold girl. Although I used to live for the silver jewelry look, as I *cough cough* started tanning and my skin tone got to a deeper olive, gold jewelry fit my coloring better. For girls with tanner, deeper, or darker skin tones, gold chunky jewelry gives a clean-girl aesthetic. Gold also has the power of going really well with diamonds, pearls, or crystals without looking like an engagement band. Diamonds also look incredible on a deeper skin tone because they really pop.


Not sure how to style your hair? The go-to Hailey Bieber slick back bun and ponytail ALWAYS look gorg with some thick, gold accessories to compliment a neutral or clean aesthetic. While we’re on the subject, let’s discuss: the clean girl aesthetic is the yoga pants, neutral, baby tee, slick back, natural look, and it’s become super popular among celebs and students. Associated with the “clean girl aesthetic” has been all gold.


Gold is incredibly versatile depending on how you style it, so whether you layer a bunch of different necklaces or stick to big and thick hoops, you can’t go wrong. Especially when you pair gold with dark and light brown, cream, off-white, green, deep blue, and black pieces.

The Silver Side:

Silver jewelry was the O.G. and is, of course, still in trend. Silver jewelry is considerably better for a more “edgy” aesthetic, but it can also spice up the most simple of looks. While you can definitely mix it with gold, most of us stick to one. Black and silver always look amazing together but it does give off a much different vibe. Especially when wearing chains, silver is normally the go-to for chains on pants, zippers, and almost anything else in the clothing world. So it makes sense to deck out in silver to match the rest of a fit. 


While gold definitely fits the “clean girl aesthetic” in terms of slick back hair, and thick accessories with a long hairdo, silver always looks great and goes well with small pearls, little beads, and cute charms. Whether you’re wearing silver with cargos or tight leather pants, it always fits with deep reds, makes blues pop, and goes so well with grays to fit any style.


You can’t go wrong with silver in any circumstance. It looks amazing layered, on your ears, and you can even pull it off with belts and rhinestones on a cute baby tee.


Mixing the two forms of jewelry has always been popular and if it’s worn well, you can easily pull off silver jewelry with gold accents or vice versa. Silver is super popular on accessories so don’t stress it if you’re typically a gold girl and get the urge to integrate them. While that seems nice and simple, mixing is pretty controversial. Most people choose to wear gold over silver but will never mix because they think it clashes or may think it detracts from the pristine details of their fit, giving them a “messier” look. While I can totally understand that point of view, I don’t necessarily think it’s true. All of our accessories should be different pieces to express ourselves and add to our perfectly or, not perfectly, planned outfits. Mixing silver rings with gold rings always looks amazing with a simple look of cargos and a baby tee. It will give your style a relaxed, yet trendy look in an almost effortless way. 



It all depends on who you are and how you choose to show off your style. There is no one way to go when it comes to choosing jewelry. Every look has a different complement. So basically, in conclusion, the debate goes on. Gold and sliver, we love you both equally!


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