What Not to Be For Halloween This Year

If I see that Amazon fairy costume one more time…


Coming up with your set of Halloween costumes for the notorious college Halloweekend can sometimes be just as stressful as the midterm you just took. Halloween is a time for self-expression and creativity to shine through. With that being said, there are some looks that we need to seriously step away from. No matter how cute you look in a cowboy hat, let’s face it, no one needs to see another group of girls as space cowboys this year. Here is a list of overdone Halloween costumes to get your creative juices flowing and maybe steer you away from looking like everyone else at the party.

#1: Kendall Jenner Cowboy

Do not get me wrong this costume was so hot when it was trending. However, I think even Kenny can admit that this intergalactic look has run its course. Hang up your sparkly cowboy hat and your purple zebra set, I know you can do it.


#2: Maddie from Euphoria

Hear me out; I love Euphoria as much as the next person and if you can find a way to spin Maddie’s glittery and edgy look into something creative and over-the-top, absolutely go for it. But it’s time to admit, the purple I.AM.GIA. set needs to go.


#3: Harley Quinn

The only exception to being Harley Quinn this year is if you are fully committed to the bit. I’m talking hair dyed, fishnets on, bat in hand. If you are debating any of these aspects, just ask yourself, “are you really going to wear the ‘Daddy’s Lil Monster’ t-shirt ever again?” Probably not.


#4: Frat Boy

I’m honestly at a loss for words with this one. We should all know better by now.


#5: Mia from Pulp Fiction

This is another costume that is definitely controversial for some. While being Mia from Pulp Fiction is totally hot, try and count the number of Mia’s you saw last year…then re-evaluate. 


#6: Fairy

I know we’ve all seen that lacy mini dress from Amazon paired with a pair of wings before. This is another one of those costumes where if you are committed to going all out, by all means, let your inner Tinker Bell sparkle. What we don’t need to see is a lingerie slip dress and a pair of wings. We are all better than that.


Obviously having fun is the main point of Halloween. If you are totally committed to one of the costumes above, rock it in your own way. But for those who still have yet to plan out their outfits, reference the list above and stay tuned for a UGirl special on what to be for Halloween. 


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