Your Backstage Pass to New York Fashion Week

Behind the glitz and glamour of the fabulous shows


Imagine this: endless lines of models and gowns. You have approximately 2 minutes to have your model run back from the runway and change into her next look before she has to be back on that runway. You’re running after her, fixing her train, and off she goes...all 5’11” of her strutting down the runway. Welcome to New York Fashion Week. 


Was your Instagram feed filled with NYFW street style looks, behind the scenes stories, and glimpses of numerous fashion shows? This year, we jumped right back into things--after all, we have a year to make up for. From shows to press events, everyone was running all around Manhattan. Do you ever wonder what it’s like to be backstage? Here is your peak into the backstage chaos that goes behind the wonderful shows you see.


The day can begin as early as 6 a.m. The second you show up, you have to find the ~person with the clipboard,~ and they will direct you to the model you are going to be dressing or the look you will be in charge of. As you head to your area, you walk through the bright lights and distinctive smell of hair and makeup. Next, you approach your clothing rack where there is a huge model card in front with the models name, her look number, and how the piece is supposed to be worn and any styling notes. Shortly after, the models will come from hair and makeup and find their look. You have to be really on top of everything that goes into it--the earrings, the bag, the shoes, and any changes the model might have. Typically, you have a bit of time before they call “first looks” and your model needs to be dressed. During this time, you usually chat with your model or the hairstylist. 


“First looks!” There is a sudden bustle and commotion. Everyone is moving around and trying to get dressed. Your model is getting undressed as you prep the first look. You grab a hairnet out of your bag to put over her face so absolutely no makeup gets on the dress. You hurry to slip into her dress and zip her up. Next, the Manolo Blahnik strappy heels that require a lot of lacing. You carefully slip her freshly painted toes into them and begin to lace them up, making sure they look absolutely perfect and are as tight as they can be so she won’t slip out of them on the runway. After she is all put together, you give her a final look and make sure her hair is exactly how it needs to be, her dress is falling the way it needs to and her shoes are perfect. Then, you send her off to the line up. But wait! Your work isn’t done just yet. You have a completely new look that you’re going to have to change into in less than 3 minutes. 

You get her second look ready for action (unzipping any zippers or undoing any buttons helps). Prepare as your model comes running back in her stiletto heels for her second look. The only thing you can think about is getting her back out on that runway. She quickly strips from her first look and slips her into the second, careful of her heels, of course. There are seconds till she has to leave and they call her name. Your model starts running towards the runway again as you trail behind her fixing any styling details that might be out of place. And then deep breath and she's gone. 


In just twelve minutes, it’s all over, and you can breathe again. There is a wave of relief and a round of applause from everyone backstage. Your model comes back around and you make sure the clothing is put back safely and securely. You run down to the lobby and there is an event going on with shows being broadcasted on a wide screen. You can only stay for a couple minutes before you have to hurry to your next show at Hudson Yards. You hop on the train uptown and mentally prepare yourself for the next show. 

Behind all the glitz and glam of fashion week and the designers, models and fashion editors, a lot of work goes into what happens backstage to make sure the show looks flawless. The endless running around, making sure every piece looks just right before it hits the runway is just as tiring as it is magical and rewarding. After your sneak peek into the crazy world of fashion is all over, you can’t decide if you want to take a nap or do it a million times over.


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