Being a Hot Girl is a Mentality, Not a Look
Because we all have a Hot Girl inside.
by REBECCA CARR ★ JULY 26, 2022
Normally when we think of someone being called “hot,” the first thing that comes to mind is a person, a style, or a look. In reality, half of being “hot” is thinking and acting like you are. After Megan Thee Stallion reinvented what it means to be “hot,” it’s time that we take notes and reinvent the hot girl we all have inside. Take those who inspire you, your goals, and your personal standards, and use those as fuel to flame your hot girl fire.
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Confidence is Key
When we think of people that are “hot,” they have confidence that exudes from them and affects the whole room. Of course, if you believe you're hot, other people believe you. Confidence shows when we trust in our truths and adapt and feel comfortable in a room whether we know the people in it or not. Having trust in ourselves is what makes others trust us. But, there is a fine line between confidence and cockiness that can quickly become a turnoff if approached the wrong way. When you believe you are better than everyone in the room and feel like you don’t need to connect with others because you feel superior to them, your vibe may be a little off-putting (to say the least). Confidence comes in a package with humility where we know ourselves, but we are open and honest to hear others and also uplift others' confidence.
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Having High Standards for Yourself
Hot girls are aspirational. While curating your confidence, you put yourself on a journey of self-discovery where you realize your current standards for yourself can be higher. You believe you can achieve more. Being ambitious, setting goals, becoming more organized, or learning something new while not being afraid of failure leads you on the path to being in your hottest state of mind. Once we are not afraid to fail, once we believe we can do anything we put our minds to, we induce a sense of calm and confident energy.
Fulfilling Your Life on Your Terms
In the wise words of the hot girl coach herself, Megan Thee Stallion states “once you know yourself, can’t nobody tell you nothing about you.” Knowing yourself is your biggest strength. Realizing that we can live our lives to our own fullest potential, is really when we start living. When we live our life on our own terms we don’t care about the outside haters.
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The more we think about it, being a “hot girl” is more of a mentality than an actual look. Being confident, knowing who we are, and setting high standards for ourselves are what make us unstoppable. Once we find our hot girl mentality, we forget about our fears and believe we can do anything. Now that we have our fuel, use that to flame your fire.
Cover Photo Credit: Pinterest