How to Start Your Fitness Journey
No more, “I don’t know where to start.”
by EMILY BRUCK ★ MARCH 22, 2022
Welcome to your new and improved workout journey, planned and executed by a girl who, no more than two months ago, had a debilitating fear of lifting all and any sort of weights.
In high school, I played sports every season of the year; that’s how I kept in shape. I mostly trained cardio and never did any form of weight training. Fast forward a year to my first semester of college—I routinely went to the gym but only to run on the treadmill or do the infamous 12-3-30 and dip. Now don’t get me wrong—I’m a huge fan of 12-3-30. It burns in the best way and is super helpful in building muscle and burning fat. However, soon, through the steady influx of gymtok content, my growing obsession with fitness apparel, and the hope of becoming as strong as the infamous Barnes Center University Boy, I began to realize I wanted to start hitting the gym beyond the treadmill.
Credit: Pinterest
Stepping off the cardio machine and heading towards the flock of self-obsessed gym rats was intimidating. But I’m here to confirm that the majority of the time, everyone in the gym (including the boys you think are judging you) is only there to improve themselves. Trust me, no one is watching you because no one cares. So, if you are like how I was, here is the guide to getting rid of those nerves, ignoring judgment, accepting imperfection, and growing your glutes!
Step 1: Use your resources.
There are so many resources for beginners. When I began my journey, I knew more about working my glutes and quads than I did about upper body training. Looking up beginner training to a push sequence, a pull sequence, and a legs sequence is a great way to educate yourself and plan a cycle to safely and confidently transition into lifting. Plus, you’ll look like a queen while you’re doing it.
Step 2: Find a workout bestie!
The most motivation you can get is from a friend. I had plenty of friends who knew their way around the gym who could teach me in a non-judgemental, safe way. Even if your bestie vibes with just a treadmill walk, it is extremely motivating to have a person to go to the gym with. You’d be surprised how many of us are simply trying to keep active.
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Step 3: Make sure you get that protein in!
As a girl who routinely did cardio, my sole focus was always to maintain my figure—not a pound over or a pound under. As long as I felt and looked the same, it didn’t matter what I was eating. However, if you’re trying to get those gains, protein intake is SO important. I know the dining halls here are HORRENDOUS, but I’ve found success in a sandwich with a protein, pasta with meatballs, or a salad with chickpeas. And, of course, dessert because you deserve it. You need to eat enough so that you’re healthy and have the energy to work out.
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Step 4: Keep up and see your progress.
Most gym rats I’ve talked to say it takes a few months to really see results. My experience was that keeping up with my routine made me feel healthier, happier, and more productive. Results don't come in a day or even a month. Keeping active is a difficult thing to do, especially in the life of a busy college student. So, make yourself a priority—schedule your gym time, stay consistent, and watch how you become the most confident version of yourself!
Credit: Pinterest
Just remember, every gym rat was a beginner at one point. I hope these tips help you find the confidence to get yourself in the gym and feel like an absolute queen! Good luck & have fun!
Cover Photo Credit: Pinterest