F*ck FOMO: Staycation Like a Baddie
To staycay or vaycay?
Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone and their mother is on some luxurious Caribbean vacation right now? Love that for you babe, but also like, take me with you. As we approach the end of this ~pandemic~ (hope that ages well), I can’t help but envy my feed’s Kardashians-in-Bora Bora fantasy while I’m chilling in my hometown...too small for even a Target. Instead of drowning in your FOMO, opt for a *staycation* to spice up your summer. Here are some ideas to help you get out of your bag and have fun at home.
Credit: Dana Berez
Take a Social Media Break
Step one to breaking free of your FOMO is definitely cutting it off from the source: your socials. Trust me, nobody loves Instagram more than I do, but logging off for a day or two makes a world of a difference. When there’s nothing to compare yourself to, you silence the voice in your head that says that you should be day-drinking in the Bahamas right now. Instead, you’ll gain a more meaningful outlook on your summer. Everybody gasses up their internet presence because we’re all just trying to seem way cooler than we actually are. Even though you may be staying home, don’t let social media devalue what you’re doing. Try reading as a replacement (no like I’m serious)...it’s sure to keep your mind busy and draw your focus away from what everyone else is up to in Internetland.
Go For Day Trips
Tbh, the superior getaway. Think of a quick day trip to the beach, museum, or aquarium as a pseudo-vacation--a break from your daily routine that offers the illusion of a typical vacation without the sucky parts, i.e. sharing a hotel room with your siblings or getting a second-degree sunburn (which somehow happens EVERY time I’m in the sun). The best part? You can get out and explore new things while still being able to sleep in your own bed at night. For the most part, expenses are pretty much just transportation (NJ Transit has my <3), admission to wherever you go, and food, so your credit cards won’t be crying on the way home either. A+.
Transform Your Bathroom Into a Day Spa
What better way to spend a relaxing staycation than a spa day? With some clay face masks, a few essential oils, and ofc your fave comfy bathrobe, you can get *zen* in your very own 5-star spa. Break out your fluffiest towels, diffuse some ~essential oils~ (try lavender to relax or eucalyptus to breathe easier), and treat yo self with a bubble bath and some Netflix. Plus, you can personalize your at-home spa treatments to fit your own hair and skincare routines. Don’t be afraid to get super extra with lotions and potions--you deserve it.
Credit: WeHeartIt
When All Else Fails, Try Retail Therapy
Ah, my favorite activity. There’s no harm done in spending a lil you-time to get out to your fave store and shop it up every now and then. While you may not be shopping for an island getaway, it’s always worth it to update your wardrobe with some trendy summer pieces. New clothes and accessories somehow *always* make you (and your closet) feel more excited. That feeling of styling and showing off your brand new fits is definitely listed somewhere in the encyclopedia of amazing things.
Credit: Pinterest
(P.S: I’m single handedly bringing back platform flip flops, so help a girl out pls n thanks.)
All in all, you don’t have to be on a thousand dollar vacay to show out, relax, and enjoy your summer. Kick back at home with your very own staycation and say f*ck you to FOMO.