Five Simple Ways to Combat Burnout

Because we all need help getting through this semester.

by KATE FEENEY ★ MARCH 25, 2021

College can be overwhelming for many of us, especially as we progress further into the semester. Trying to balance our schoolwork, social lives, and other responsibilities can quickly lead to burnout. This phrase is thrown around so casually, it seems as if everyone is always feeling burnt out. Burnout is serious—it alters your brain! According to Science of People, “The brains of people who are chronically burnt-out show similar damage as people who have experienced trauma.” As a college student, burnout is seemingly inevitable (and normalized) but it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are some of our tips to combat burnout throughout the semester!

Stick To A Schedule


It may seem obvious, but sticking to a schedule is one of the best ways to avoid burnout. Studies have shown that establishing a daily routine can help avoid feeling distressed or anxious, which commonly lead to burnout. A schedule will allow you to find more time to do the things you love like watching your favorite reality TV show or hanging out with friends. With a variety of options to plan out your schedule such as the classic planner or Google Calendar, you are bound to find something that works for you.

Work It Out


Exercise is as beneficial to our mental health as it is to our physical health. We could all use a bit of exercise, no matter how experienced you are. Working out releases endorphins that promote feelings of happiness and help reduce stress. Whatever way you prefer to exercise, it is such a great way to feel good—inside and out.

Retrain Your Brain

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest


It may seem like an impossible feat to retrain your brain, but it’s actually 100% achievable. Psychological detachment is a mental exercise you can practice to help you detach from the stresses of life and make the most of your (limited) downtime. The first step in mentally detaching is separating personal life from work. Some ways you can do this is by only checking your school email on your computer, setting a screen limit on your phone (and actually sticking to it) or blocking out part of your day for relaxation. Utilize your planner to stick to a schedule with built-in downtime, and don’t forget to keep yourself in check! 

Reach Out to Others

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest


Let’s be real—many of us are stubborn. You want to work through all of your stress yourself? That’s understandable, but reaching out to others can really help you combat burnout. Knowing that you’re not alone when feeling overwhelmed makes a huge difference. Reach out to classmates to work on that project hanging over your head for the past week, go out to dinner with your friends to vent, or utilize the university’s tutoring and mental health resources. Whatever works for you is going to seriously help bring out your best self.

Reward Yourself

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest


Feeling like you’re approaching burnout? You deserve to treat yourself! Go get your nails done, make a Target run, or take a Netflix break—whatever floats your boat. I know what you’re thinking: I don’t have enough time. But self care doesn’t have to take hours, it can be as simple as grabbing your favorite cup of coffee in between classes. Taking time for yourself is rejuvenating. It’ll make you feel better prepared to take on those difficult days where you sense burnout coming on.

Burnout doesn’t have to be a universal experience! With these tips, you can punch burnout in the face before you even feel it coming. Get ready to feel so much better physically and mentally!

Cover photo credit: Pinterest


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