Mercury Retrograde: How And Why It Affects Our Lives

Why is my life a hot freaking mess?

by ALI DIMOVA ★ JULY 17, 2020

If you have been feeling unlucky or unproductive, you’re struggling to talk and build relationships with people, or things are just overall out of whack, we might have an answer from an astrological point of view. Don’t laugh, but Mercury retrograde might actually be responsible for your life’s troubles.

In theory, Mercury retrograde is an astrological event that terrifies the entire planet three times a year. Even people who don’t follow astrology have probably heard that this period brings an unsettling amount of chaos into our lives: important deals may break down, problems with technology and traveling may occur, conflicts between people can arise, and an overall disconnect takes place in our lives.  

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So first of all, what does the term “retrograde” even mean? It is one of two types of planetary movement. Direct movement is a planet’s usual course when it is rotating in the forward direction around its axis. During the planet’s revolution around the sun, each planet sooner or later transitions into retrograde. If you watch the planet from Earth, it looks like the planet was following its forward path, then suddenly stopped, and reversed its direction. In reality, there is no reversal of movement; this is just an optical illusion. All of the planets in the solar system rotate in the same direction around the sun but at different distances. Their orbits have different diameters, so they complete their journeys around the sun over varying periods of time. What’s really happening is that Mercury overtook Earth in its relatively small orbit. The orbit of Mercury is much shorter than ours—only 88 days compared to Earth’s 365. Astrologists theorize that if the planet suddenly began to move backward, then the areas of life which it is responsible for would be in trouble.

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The planet Mercury is named after the ancient Roman god of trade, who was very sly and diplomatic. In astrology, Mercury is responsible for cognition, thinking, intellectual capacity, mobility and communication, trading skills and creativity, as well as the desire for change. Therefore, when the planet goes into retrograde, supposedly the processes of communication and thinking slow down and failures in matters like travel or trade can arise. The influence of Mercury retrograde affects people’s activities at work and school. However, not everything surrounding Mercury retrograde has to be so unsettling. Just try to act calmly, think clearly, avoid risks, and don’t rush. 

This year, the first period of Mercury retrograde began on February 17th and lasted until March 10th. The second and most recent Mercury retrograde started on June 18th and ended on July 12th. The third and final period will occur from October 14th until November 3rd.

What NOT to do during Mercury retrograde: 

During Mercury retrograde, astrologists recommend postponing major activities or events for later, such as new projects at work, business negotiations, and important trips. Making large purchases like apartments, cars, household appliances, and phones without an urgent need is also not worth it, as well as traveling long distances. During the three weeks of retrograde, it is advised to not sign any important papers and/or contracts. Experts also do not recommend making new acquaintances and building serious relationships. During this period, there is a big chance to make the wrong impression of yourself. A new person also may not stay in your life for long. The decisions we make during this period may later turn out to be the wrong ones. Our brain at this time functions in a strange way, and we can easily make mistakes. 

What to do during Mercury retrograde:

During Mercury retrograde, it is important to clean up both at home and at work. Get rid of unnecessary things, but do not throw away everything. You’ll want to make sure you don't have any regrets once retrograde is over. Take these three weeks to declutter and reorganize your life. Mercury retrograde is not so scary at all if you are prepared for it. Try to be a meticulous person who double-checks everything. Pay attention to the tiniest details. Complete your old plans and try not to start anything new. Rather than looking at this period of time as unsettling and scary, use it as an opportunity to slow down and regroup.

Regardless of the many negative associations, Mercury retrograde has some great positive aspects too. People are able to look at their life from a different perspective and as a result, change it for the better. Also during retrograde, it is much easier to identify those around you who truly value you, compared to those who only use you for selfish purposes.

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Whether you are a firm believer in astrology or not, the planetary rotation should probably NOT be an excuse for your problems. If everything just isn’t working out the way you want, maybe it’s just a sign that you have to change something in yourself or in your life. Obviously, try your best to be careful in making serious decisions during this period, but don’t be afraid and keep living your life to the fullest!


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