Cancel "Catfights"

We’re tired of social media villainizing women.


If you have been on social media in the past few weeks, you have probably heard about the Hailey Bieber versus Selena Gomez drama. 

To recap, the drama began when people felt that Hailey Bieber made a social media post mocking Selena Gomez. After the initial post, people began theorizing that Hailey has been copying many things that Selena does. The theories turned to harassment as people began commenting on Hailey’s appearance and marriage with Justin Bieber, Selena’s ex.

Selena Gomez finally took to social media on Friday to plead with fans to stop spreading hate. She shared that Hailey Bieber reached out to her and had been receiving death threats that had been taking a serious toll on her mental health. 


Credit: Instagram @selenagomez


Following Selena’s post, Hailey posted on her Instagram story to thank Selena for “speaking out” against the hate and to let fans know that the two are discussing how to move past the drama. Selena and Hailey have even begun following each other on Instagram since the announcements.


Credit: Instagram @haileybieber


However, as interesting as all of the drama swirling around may seem, it brings up a great question. Why does social media try so hard to pit women against each other?

All too often, I see rumors of feuds between women or alleged bad blood over a man. Frankly, I’m tired of it. Has anyone ever considered that Jelena was ages ago? People change, and so do relationships. I think that it’s safe to assume that grown adults can be mature and handle their business privately. Commenting on the marriage of two people and comparing different women has no place online.

The media has created a narrative of jealousy and hatred about two women with their own separate lives. Selena and Hailey both have successful businesses and careers that allow them to explore their passions and interests, yet the constant negative portrayal of their relationship online minimizes their accomplishments. Creating a story of two women fighting over a man reduces women to stereotypes that cause them not to be taken seriously.


Credit: Google


The normalization of “catfights” in the media has caused an obsession with using apparent feuds between women as entertainment. Even in 2023, there is something inherently funny to people about competition among women. So while Hailey Bieber is receiving death threats and Selena is being compared to her ex’s wife, the internet is getting in a laugh or two. 

So, what will people on the internet gawk over now that the drama is reportedly over? People will probably move on to the next drama and take sides once again. Despite all of the arguments or evidence people have, maybe it is best to not declare whose side you are on. Next time you find yourself liking posts of someone hating on one woman to raise another, maybe consider trying a new hobby instead. Remember, make an effort to be kind to others because tearing down women is SO outdated.

Cover Photo Credit: J-14


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