Meghan Markle and Racism in the Royal Family

"Oprah’s the real queen."


Some of the following topics discussed in the interview may be triggering. Do not be afraid to ask for help. Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255

We all love the royal family. The drama, the fashion, the princes… but after the historic Oprah interview with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, we’re unsure if the love still stands. 

In their first interview since stepping down from their senior royal duties, the couple met with Oprah with a *picturesque* background… seriously though, it looked like something that North West would paint. Oprah made it clear that no topic was off-limits and that no payment was made for the couple participating in the interview. Meghan Markle wanted to share her story, and with the help of her loving husband, Prince Harry, they were able to share the reality of life as a royal, which was more revealing than we ever could have imagined. 

In two hours, all aspects of Meghan's experience in the ‘firm,’ the royal family, were brought to light. Some of these topics included: mental health, pressure, and isolation from the firm, and most shocking to viewers was the families' "concerns'' about their son Archie’s skin color. Without naming the family member, Meghan Markle told Oprah, "There were several concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he was born" (New York Times). Her statement struck a nerve for viewers throughout the globe, as well as shedding light on years of issues with the institutions’ relationship with race and lack of response by the family. With their ancestor's ties to slavery and failure to comment about the racism, Meghan Markle suffered at the hands of the British press. 

The British monarchy has long turned a blind eye to their racist past by making controversial statements and never fully apologizing for their role in the slave trade. Some of their ties to the slave trade include Queen Elizabeth I, who supported Sir John Hawkings--one of the slave trade founders--who impressed the late Queen by capturing 300 Africans. While Prince Charles has spoken out and called his late ancestors' action an "atrocity," the Queen herself has never commented on her ancestor's actions. 

The empire has a colonial mindset, seen with Prince Phillips's casual racist remarks when visiting different countries. While others have dismissed the Prince's comments as jokes in poor taste, others call for more awareness and responsibility to be taken by him and his family. Arguments have been made that the monarchy is a prime example of institutional racism, which aligns with Meghan’s statement. If you look at the family, there has never been a non-white head of state. After learning about the concerns with Archie’s skin color, one has to wonder if we ever will see a non-white titled member in the family.

While we can only hope that the family will take accountability for their ancestors' past, it seems highly unlikely. We can see this demonstrated in the racist articles written by British tabloids and the failure of protecting Meghan during her time as an acting royal member. A particular piece was written which described Meghan as "gang-scarred" and "(almost) straight outta Compton" (Insider Article). Numerous articles were written diminishing Meghan, her mother, and the community in which she was raised. Instead of protecting Meghan, the family instead allowed her to suffer and face harsh criticism alone. 

Meghan was unable to seek professional help and was instead kept hidden and isolated. As a firm that speaks highly about seeking mental help and talking about your pain, the royal family failed Meghan. Being left to herself and her husband led Meghan down a path of extreme emotional distress, abandonment, and questioning her self-worth. Listening to her speak about her experience was heartbreaking. Even following Princess Diana's death and the pain she faced—similar to Meghan’s—the institution still avoids providing help to those who ask for it. 

It is important to note that the family remains neutral on all political topics because of their protocol, which prevents them from speaking out. The Queen herself can not comment on everything because of her advisors and other members who prevent her from doing so. Furthermore, in the interview, Harry and Meghan comment that the Queen has always been welcoming and they have regular calls, which proves that not all family members are hurtful but instead are truly silenced by the crown. 

With the help of Oprah, the couple was able to finally address their truth about the years of pain they endured by the institution and the tabloids. Thankfully, they could escape and can now be the best parents they can to Archie and their daughter, who is due this year. 


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