Growing (& Glowing) Through College
design: Gianna Lanfrank
Don’t have it all figured out? Neither do we.
It's undeniable that college can sometimes feel like a game of catch-up. Survival of the fittest, some might say. Feeling like what you bring to the table simply isn't up to par is normal in college, and I think we all strive to be enough, to be better, and to meet the model of what we think every ideal college student is. Things like missing dean’s list, being unsure about your major, or not having your career mapped out are enough to make you wonder if you are where you're “supposed to be”. The answer is–you are.
As college students, we typically fall victim to the belief that these four years are all we have to get our shit together. But the reality is, most of us don’t and that’s okay too! The uncertainty is scary, but should be appreciated. It ultimately leads us through our rollercoaster of a journey where there are no rights or wrongs.
So, let’s talk about it–the unspoken, collective feeling we all at some point face, but never voluntarily admit to because of the stigma: being “lost”. It is a real thing and it definitely sucks. Yes, accomplishing things early all while having a set plan for your life is a major flex, but does that mean being on the opposite end of the spectrum makes you any less worthy of acceptance? Absolutely not, and here’s why.
First and foremost, remember that everyone moves at their own pace. College is the ultimate time of self-discovery. Mentally, socially, academically, emotionally - the list keeps going, but you get the point. You constantly undergo change and shouldn't feel bad about it. This contributes to your growth as your own person! Successes and career paths are not constricted to a timeframe. Getting discouraged is typical too, but always continue to embrace that state of uncertainty by questioning and learning what works for you. It’s all part of the process and it will come to you. Not everything has to be planned, and chances are, what goes unplanned has a way more amazing turnout.
As overwhelming as college can be when you're not entirely sure what the end goal is, just know that each step (small or big) should be celebrated and that you're fully deserving of being exactly where you are. Romanticize each step with a positive mentality and remember: you’re capable of absolutely anything! Small progress is still progress, and not having all the answers is part of the plan. You got this!