This is Your Sign to Delete Tinder

When you finally get tired of swiping left and not finding Mr. Right…


We all know that rush you get the first day you download Tinder. I think I sat in my room the entire day just swiping left and right, left and right. That Tinder high lasted for a while, but as months went on, I began to use it less and less. As Tinder began to collect dust on my phone, I began to think, why not just delete it? 

I was on the phone with one of my friends when I told her that I was thinking about deleting Tinder. To my surprise, she told me she had already taken that jump, and her life had significantly improved. I decided to follow in her footsteps and here is why:

Tinder is a problematic bitch. It starts off as an addiction that you slowly grow out of, until one day, you decide you’re sick of it. It’s kinda like finding a new favorite drink at Starbucks–you get it too many times and then end up hating it. In my first months of having Tinder, it felt like a game I couldn’t get enough of. Endless single guys on one app looking for the same thing you are: attention

You get a notification saying you have a new match. Sometimes they’ll message you first, but if not, you can either decide to shoot your shot first or let their name sit in your new matches list for eternity. Maybe you message each other for five minutes, add each other on snap, and talk for about a week. You’ll probably never speak again after that. Or, on the chance they go to your school or university, it will end up in a one-time hookup followed by, still, never speaking again. Everyone knows Tinder is basically a hookup app, especially for people in college. So, if you're looking for a boyfriend, do not rely on Tinder. 

The first realization I made after deleting Tinder was this: the guys who don’t have Tinder are better looking than the ones that do. When comparing the guys on your Tinder feed to the guys you see walking around campus, there is an obvious difference. Surprise! They’re the more attractive ones. Not to say there aren’t hot guys on Tinder, but the pool of these rare guys dries up quickly. Catfishing is also a very real and serious problem. In person, there's no opportunity to catfish. On Tinder,  Prince Charming could actually turn out to be the real-life Shrek.

The most important realization I made on my Tinder journey was about my own self-worth, which has nothing to do with male validation. When you focus on improving yourself a little bit every day, you can attract anything you want. Moral of the story? Go delete Tinder. NOW.


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