Your Guide To Living A Healthy Lifestyle In College

The best four years of your life doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the healthiest...


Late nights, Top-Ramen, and whatever other kinds of amazing but kind of disgusting garbage you consume at college, can definitely take a toll on your mind, body, and soul. Although I’d argue they are all imperative to the quintessential college experience, it is still possible to incorporate healthy habits into your day-to-day life on campus that will result in a happier and healthier you! Keep on reading to learn some of our tips on how to live a healthy lifestyle in college, and still go out four nights a week (and yes, you can do both).

First things first, college is not meant to be the time to obsess over every little thing you eat and whether you missed a workout or not. It is inevitable to eat late-night greasy pizzas and wake up at noon -if not later- and be physically unable to hit the treadmill, and this is OKAY. We at UGirl created this guide to help you incorporate small and easy habits into your daily routine that will contribute to your overall well being, contributing to your personal and academic success.

Create a routine:

In college, distractions are everywhere. As students, we are constantly surrounded by social temptations and activities, whether it be with your friends or the infinite number of clubs and organizations available on campus. Creating a routine provides structure and focus to your daily life, whether it be planning every second of you day or just completing one task. It could be something as simple as working out right when you wake up, or clearing out a chunk of time dedicated to doing school work and/or errands. Depending on your class schedule for the day, you can tailor your routines accordingly, ensuring your days never get repetitive and boring. When creating your routines at college, it is super important to remember they should serve you, and you shouldn’t feel like they’re a chore to complete, or else they will be no use!

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest


Stay active:

Staying active is one of the oldest rules in the book when wanting to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Staying active doesn’t mean doing a full-blown workout every day, because let’s be real--this is SUPER unrealistic for busy college students. Although working out, whether it be at the gym or at home,  is important to incorporate into your week, choosing not to Uber or simply taking the steps (even if that means running up the mount steps at 2:00 in the morning) is also extremely beneficial! Although they seem small, getting into healthy habits like that add up and make a huge difference in our health. Not only does staying active promote a healthy body, but it also helps you sleep at night, boosts your academic performance, and decreases stress, which are all things college students desperately need!

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest


Find a balance:

At college, specifically, as a first-year student entering a completely new and unfamiliar environment, discovering the healthy relationship between your social life and academic career can be a challenge. You want to make as many friends as possible, participate in as many on-campus clubs and activities as you can, and overall experience college life to the fullest. However, work comes first and prioritizing yourself and understanding when you should say “no” is key to living a healthy lifestyle.  “Work hard and party hard” is one of my favorite mantras, and is something I strive to follow while on campus. At college understanding when to turn down social events and focus on yourself and/or your homework is harder said than done, and is often something learned through mistakes. Finding that balance in college is crucial to finding success and living a healthy life that is equally as fun! 

Discover quick & easy foods you actually enjoy:

Eating whole & unprocessed foods that are nourishing to the body have a plethora of health benefits (shocker, I know). According to Options For Youth, eating a healthy and balanced diet is linked to higher grades, better memory and alertness, and faster information processing. Still, eating healthy can be unrealistic (and frankly, unappealing!) for so many people, specifically college students who are on a budget or don't even have a kitchen. This is why it’s so important to try out different kinds of foods and snacks that are wholesome and nutritious that you actually enjoy eating and don’t need a kitchen to prepare. Some of my go-to’s while living in a dorm were fruits and popcorn. Discovering quick and delicious foods is a game changer to a healthier lifestyle while on campus, and it will not only affect the health of your body but your mind as well! Your grades will thank you later.

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest


As college students, it is SO hard to be healthy. The healthy habits you maintain at home are most likely going to be very difficult to replicate while living on campus (especially if you live in a dorm). Accept these changes and try out different routines and customs to curate a lifestyle that works for you. Living a healthy lifestyle may feel like it will be a chore, but as soon as you start your journey to a happy and healthier you, you’ll find yourself succeeding in more ways than you’d expect. 
