10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was a Freshman

Time flies before your eyes!


Freshman year: a year of absolute confusion but utter excitement. Looking back, you always think of the what-ifs and what you could have done better to fulfill your hyped-up first year. Here are a few things I wish my 18-year-old self knew this time last year to make the most out of the best four years of your life.

Make the cold your BFF:

I guarantee the first thing you heard when you told people you were coming to Syracuse was, “oh, good luck with the cold,” with a laugh following. But little do they know, we walk around in crop tops to go to frat houses in the snow. Definitely get a parka that goes down to the ankles, but this doesn’t mean you need a Canada Goose, anything will do. Bring an array of coats for all types of weather: rain, snow, sleet hail, the whole 9 yards!

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Credit: giphy

You DO NOT have to be best friends with your roommate:

This is something I cannot express enough, everyone thinks just because you live together, you need to be attached at the hip, and in some cases maybe you are. But, it's just about living with someone else like how you live with siblings; you have different lives and do different things. Best advice just be respectful of each others space, worse case second semester you can move.

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Credit: giphy


That boy is not your “be all, end all”:

Coming from a girl who came to college with a long term now ex-boyfriend, you are TOO YOUNG to be stressed over a male who is texting 10 other girls the same garbage you’re getting. Focus on school- that is why you’re here! Just have fun; everything should be light!

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Credit: giphy


The dining hall is not that bad--be creative:

I know what you’re thinking, “No, the dining hall is terrible, everything is bad, blah blah.” Well, when you don’t put effort in you will not get anything out! I focus on the simple things: salad, grilled chicken, cereal, sandwich station, and pizza if you’re having a rough day. You need to improvise, make your meals fun, and explore your choices. What's the worst that can happen? You try it, don't like it, and grab something else.

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Credit: giphy


It is OKAY you haven’t found your core group of friends yet:

It’s super common: freaking out because you don’t know if you like these people or if they’re who you want to be with! Everyone is in the same boat freshman year: nervous about friends, trying to impress everyone, and putting themselves out there. People change, these four years shape you as a person and make you grow up. You begin to realize you don’t just want to be friends with someone because they’re “popular” or “go out all the time,” you want substance and you want people that have your back. So, explore your friendships; nothing is set in stone, don’t feel the need to stay with people for the above reasons!

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Credit: giphy


Be OPEN to absolutely EVERYTHING:

I know in high school you were probably president of student government, on National Honor Society, captain of the cheer team, while also playing soccer. When you get to college, you should keep that drive to want to be involved! However, this doesn’t mean spreading yourself too thin. You do have a lot on your plate as it is, but getting involved in clubs and other activities can make you happy and involved! It is good to have something on the side you can go to that's not school or going out.

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Credit: giphy


Put yourself out there as much as you can:

For those of you who are quiet, maybe even a little shy, I’m asking you to break out of your shell as much as you can. In college, there are all types of people; it’s a melting pot of characteristics and stereotypes! Putting yourself out there will only make it easier for you to find people who you vibe with and fit the person you are.  

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Credit: giphy

Be respectful!

Trust me, I know being in college is like a high. You’re on your own, you don’t have your parents, and you can do anything you want. But with that comes upperclassmen who have been through this song and dance many times. Especially if you are considering rushing, you do not want a target on your back or to step on anyone's toes as soon as you step foot on campus.

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Credit: giphy

Comfort, not style, when going to class:

Something my brother told me that I didn’t understand until last year was, “comfort not style.” Who wants to sit in a lecture in jeans? Some key items you should have plenty of are joggers, leggings, throw over sweatshirts, fun t-shirts and a good pair of sneakers. Also, makeup isn’t necessary- it's too early for all that! You already look fantastic at 8 am, sister.

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Credit: giphy


Explore your classes- easy doesn’t mean interesting:

I get it, you want a good GPA so your parents don’t call you screaming, but easy classes don’t always mean interesting! Explore your curriculum, anything you have a tiny bit of interest in can turn into a minor. There are so many people who take those random Arts and Science classes and realize, “Wow, this sociology class is so interesting I could see this as a potential minor.” So, yes, I get it, you don’t want to be swamped in work but branch out, you never know what you like until you try it.

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Credit: giphy


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