A Look Into the Gun Violence Epidemic in America

Enough is enough.


For many years the media has been overtaken by gun coverage, and the division they have caused in the U.S. We are all inherently prone to fall to either side of the issue. Still, to take a stance, it's essential to digest the roots of the issue and explain the details. 

Firstly, it’s essential to explain the second amendment, which states:

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 

But, what does this mean??? In simplest terms, some look at it as a protection of their constitutional right. Others believe that they only intended to protect citizens' defense. Many believe the amendment is outdated and needs to be reformed. 

How many guns?

The U.S. has the highest gun-related murder and suicide rate. Why? Well, according to the Switzerland-based, Small Arms Survey, U.S. gun owners possess 393.3 million weapons, which is higher than the 330 million population. This is about 120.5 guns for every 100 people.  

Pro-gun-control vs. Pro-guns

This debate has many layers, so here are a few conflicting arguments to make it understandable. 

Pro-gun-control activists argue that the second amendment is not an unlimited right to own guns. They believe more gun control laws would reduce gun deaths and banning assault weapons would decrease mass murder. On the other hand, pro-gun activists argue that the second amendment protects individual gun ownership and that the good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns. They also think banning assault weapons would take away the right to use guns for hunting.


Unfortunately, policymakers overlook the root causes of gun violence, which directly impact communities of color and poverty. Gun violence intensifies the social and economic inequalities that minorities are subjected to and increases the chance they will be affected by guns. To fight against these structural disadvantages, it’s important to address the problems that fuel gun violence firsthand. Starting the conversation is the first step to creating change. 

Getting Involved

There are so many ways to get active in this evolving issue. To start, call your local representatives. They are the ones in Washington so whether you send a letter or call their office, speaking your mind can go a long way. Below are organizations acting on gun violence, this is a perfect way to get involved fast so make sure to check them out. 




