Don't Be Insecure, Love Yourself

Body positivity is the first step to self-confidence. 

 by LARRY STANSBURY    ★    APR. 03, 2017


We all have insecurities about our bodies. Although it is human nature to compare our bodies to those of airbrushed models and celebrities, we shouldn’t. Instead, we need to be confident and love ourselves. We need to be like the women from The All Woman Project.

The All Woman Project is a foundation that aims to send positive body messages to women who struggle with body image. Their goal is to help women stay true to themselves and feel beautiful in their own skin, age and size. The foundation is taking action where body image issues are prevalent: in colleges, internships and jobs. Not only does this foundation help build self-confidence in women, but it also provides the inspiration to be strong.

Internalize the message of this project, and see different women embracing their bodies. A takeaway lesson: own your body because you were born with it. Take a look at model Ashley Graham as she makes her mark in headlines everywhere. She embraces her curves on the runway and that alone empowers other women.

If you are a plus-size woman, place yourself in Graham’s shoes as you make your way down the promenade. Catwalk it out because you are strong. Never allow the haters to make you standoff your ground because of your size. And don't apologize for what makes you who you are; be unapologetically beautiful.


Sophomore Annie O’Sullivan struggled with self-love while growing up. Now she is stronger than ever. “You should be your own cheerleader, your own confidant, and your own best friend," she said. "Love yourself because no matter what happens, you’ll always have you.”


Senior Annie Zeina has grown to love her body as well.

“I will never be as thin as the models on the runways and that’s ok with me,” she said. “It’s important to remember that loving yourself should always be a priority.”


Sophomore Sarah Rebetje said, “Women need to love themselves so they don't rely upon others to determine their value,” Rebetje said. “Self-love breeds confidence in the face of negativity. No woman should feel that she is less than that of another human being.”

Self confidence is all about loving yourself. UGirls are confident and fearless, so never doubt yourself! 
