How To Have a *Productive Girl Summer*

You are healthy, you are wealthy, you are rich, you are *that bitch*


While summer is undeniably the time for relaxation, it can be difficult to have your *letting loose* moment without breaking some healthy routines. That said, keeping yourself productive doesn’t have to mean waking up at 5 A.M., hitting the gym, working, and repeating. (Because, ew--it still is summer after all). Instead, ditch the unhealthy habits by implementing just a teensy bit of self-discipline to even out all the fun you’re having. Here are a couple of tips and tricks to help you balance your hot girl schedule. 

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest

Set Two Morning Alarms

I know, I know, alarms = getting up for school, which is not what we want to think about in the middle of July. Depending on your schedule and commitments for the day, determine a reasonable time frame to get up and compromise with yourself. Try to find a calm alarm tone (but are any of them really calm?), then set two that are half an hour to an hour apart. This way, you’ll be able to press snooze a couple of times before actually getting up, and at that point, it won’t be too late in the day. Tbh, tricking yourself is manipulative in the best way. Bonus tip: make sure your summer alarm tones are different from what you use to wake up for school or work. The default iPhone alarm is literally haunting, so a new alarm tone is definitely the perfect way to reassure yourself that you’re getting up for a fun, productive day and not a stressful one. 

Credit: WeHeartIt

Credit: WeHeartIt

Make. Your. Bed.

If there’s any sure-fire way to stop yourself from crawling back into bed and inevitably falling down a TikTok wormhole for four hours (which I know very well from *personal experience*), it’s making your bed. Limit yourself to half an hour (at MOST!) after waking up to check your phone or watch TV before getting up to brush your teeth, put on a cute ass outfit, and start the day. Make up your bed--right down to the sheets, throw pillows, and of course, stuffed animals...because obviously, all hot girls have them. Since you’ve spent time putting it together, it’ll feel like a waste to undo it all and get back under the covers--a rare instance of laziness actually working to your advantage. With sleep mode turned off, you’ll be ready to go about your morning routine in the actual morning. 

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest

Write To-Do Lists The Night Before

It might seem obvious, but I SWEAR by to-do lists. Jotting down a couple of goals or errands you want to accomplish the next day is an easy way to separate out what you want to do and what you need to get done. Even adding in your daily stop for coffee can help you feel much more organized and time-efficient, especially when you’re factoring in the time you need to take for work, plans with friends, and (most importantly) yourself. Make it as general or specific as you want, as long as you make it. Hot take: crossing things off of your list as you accomplish them is instant serotonin. 

Credit: Pinterest

Go For A Daily *Hot Girl Walk*

When you’re busy being a hot girl, it can be hard to pencil in leg day. If you’re often preoccupied with other activities and can’t squeeze in a trip to the gym, get your cardio in by going on a walk. Think of it as your fam’s peak-quarantine after-dinner walks, but solo and more iconic. Simply throw on your favorite athletic set, pop in some AirPods, put Britney Spears (or Olivia Rodrigo TBH) on shuffle, and strut around the neighborhood. Not only will you be getting some much-needed fresh air and vitamin D, but you’ll also feel proud of yourself for staying active and, with the help of some 2009 club music, stomp the sidewalk runway feeling like the confident baddie you are. 

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest

Schedule Naps

It may seem counterintuitive to your productivity, but never underestimate the power of a good power nap! Everything is good in moderation--energy breaks included. If you’re juggling a summer job and social life (like me), it’s super important to cut yourself some slack and give your brain and body a break every now and then. Finding yourself overly tired between plans? Take. A. Freaking. Nap. If you don’t have time to take a full-on bed nap, it honestly helps to sleep in the car or on the train in between activities (as long as you don’t miss your stop). If you hold yourself accountable for your own time and commitments, it’s totally okay to recharge your social battery with some good old-fashioned sleep. Just remember to set some alarms so your healthy Zzzs don’t become hibernation. *Petition for workplace nap time incoming.*

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest

With these tips under your belt, you’re ready to keep having the hottest girl summer ever while staying organized and at the top of your game. We LOVE a productive girl!


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