5 Must-Watch Movies That’ll Make You Feel Like the Main Character

Prepare to feel *seen*


Whether you’re pushing 80 on the highway at midnight or channeling your inner Carrie Bradshaw as you navigate NYC, we’ve all caught those moments where it feels like everyone in the world has their eyes on you. (Cuz duh, your 3 a.m.“Pocketful of Sunshine” jam sesh in your childhood bedroom is way more interesting). Especially throughout the ever-so-confusing transition from high school girl to college *woman,* it’s important to capture as many of those moments as you can. So, to keep you starring in your own feature film, here are five classic coming-of-age flicks that are guaranteed to make you feel like the protagonist in everyone’s story. 

1) The Edge of Seventeen (2016)

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This A24 classic is the epitome of a comfort movie. Hailee Steinfeld stars as Nadine, a high schooler whose best friend starts dating her annoyingly all-star older brother. As she navigates this tumultuous relationship, confides in that one teacher who gets it and entertains a simp guy for attention, Nadine’s story is probably THE most accurate depiction of teenage-dom I’ve seen captured so far. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll cringe throughout a relatable hour and 45 minutes--all in the company of an amazing soundtrack.

2) Almost Famous (2000)

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Set in the early ‘70s, Almost Famous tells the story of a high school boy who follows a burgeoning rock band (and their ~groupies~) along their cross-country tour as he reports for Rolling Stone. Obvious bias aside (because hello, that’s literally my dream job), the classic rock soundtrack, colorful cinematography, and totally trendy ‘70s fashion are sure to make you blast Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer” as you look out the window on your next night flight. Plus, who doesn’t love a young Kate Hudson?

3) Ladybird (2017)

Ugh, I could probably write a whole thesis on why Ladybird is *the* female coming-of-age movie of the last five years. Saoirse Ronan as Christine “Ladybird” MacPherson is my definition of the ultimate main character, with her east coast dreams and Kool-Aid-dyed hair that just screams 2002. In just 2 hours, director Greta Gerwig solidifies all the intricacies of the mother-daughter relationship; how an unshakable love defies every time you’ve ever hated your parents for settling down in Boringville, USA, and instead (as Ladybird puts it) wished to move to a place where writers live in the woods. Now TELL ME that isn’t enough to make you feel like someone’s put your life on the big screen. Bonus points for Timothee Chalamet playing bass guitar. You’re welcome.

4) Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging (2008)

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If anything, the award for best effing movie title ever goes to this endearingly awkward British flick cinematic masterpiece. Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging (which would be a totally great name for a band btw) is the tale of teenager Georgia, as she juggles distance in her relationships with her best friend, parents, and crush, Robbie. Featuring all the zealously ugly 2000s fashion trends you can think of (brb, cringing at all the patterned scarves over t-shirts), you’ll also find characters stereotypical of a movie about teen girls--a wacky younger sister, a handful of decent friends, the guitar-playing love interest whose girlfriend also happens to be the school’s head bitch. A movie so cliche that it’s original, Georgia’s effort to get her crush to like her back is so simple--and that’s what makes it perfect. 

5) Easy A (2010)

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In this spin on the classic novel, “The Scarlet Letter,” Emma Stone DELIVERS as Olive Penderghast--a quick-witted and sarcastic teen who accidentally spreads a rumor about herself losing her virginity. Here’s the kicker: she didn’t actually lose it. When she’s slutshamed, she embraces her sexuality and helps other outcasts boost their social statuses by spreading more rumors that they’ve had sex together. The situational irony and spread of gossip in this film are so relatable, it’s sure to have you looking over your shoulder for cameras. Two words: Chef’s. Kiss. 


Ready to embrace your ~main character moment~? Stream any of these movies on Amazon Prime Video. 

*Ladybird is also available on Netflix. 

*The Edge of Seventeen and Easy A are also available on Hulu. 


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