Using Manifestation To Escape The Rabbit Hole

A personal anecdote from a previous non-believer.


I always wondered what it truly meant to “go down the rabbit hole.” Growing up, hearing the words, “Sophie, don’t go down the rabbit hole,” was almost as routine as brushing my teeth. Although no one could explicitly define it, I was warned about this notorious allusion nearly every time I opened my mouth. I wished my rabbit hole was equivalent to the one from Alice in Wonderland, but something told me that Alice’s version was a limited edition. It only took a global pandemic and 120 days alone with my wandering thoughts for me to lose my balance. I soon realized that for me, falling down the rabbit hole didn’t mean entering an alternate universe through a magic portal—it meant losing all control. 

And so I slipped and fell and down I went. 

For years, I was in search of answers that proved to be far beyond my reach. I had an imperishable commitment to unlocking existential questions about love, life, death, the future, and the past. My obsession with these abstract concepts blurred the lines of importance in my own reality. Allowing myself to get wrapped up in these uncontrollable notions instilled a fear of change deep within my soul. Each blip of uncertainty that I clung onto pushed me further down the rabbit hole. 

As I fell down into the unknown, my ceaseless attempts to regain control only resulted in my ultimate demise. Before I could even blink, I was sitting in the depths of an underground labyrinth with my harrowing thoughts as my only company. It was at this moment—while I was submerged in the darkest darkness I ever knew—that I was confronted with my fatal flaw: my severe inability to let go. 

I knew deep within that I had to detach myself from these burdens in order for me to reach salvation. Against all odds, the remedy for my toxic rumination tendencies was found in the practice of manifestation. The premise is simple: to manifest is to bring forth something into your physical reality by using your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. 

Upon releasing the reins of my overcharged mind, I learned the true importance of detachment and acceptance—two essential principles used in manifestation. Ultimately, this practice emphasizes the power of the mind in that whatever you focus on is what you bring forth into your physical reality. This focus could be through meditation, visualization, or via your conscious or subconscious. 

At first, I wrote it off and saw it as nothing more than a practice to instill false hope in people like me—those who were so far down the rabbit hole that reality seemed unattainable. As someone who calls ‘bullshit’ on these foolish attempts of wizardry, this change was not an easy one. I had to rationalize manifestation in the only way I knew how: by entering its own little rabbit hole. 

The science behind manifestation stems from the Law of Attraction—one of life’s greatest mysteries. In simple terms, the Law of Attraction is the basic universal principle that “like always attracts like,” or that you attract into your life things that correspond with the nature of your thoughts and beliefs, both conscious and subconscious. It is the belief that the universe will create and provide for you based upon your ability to attract positive outcomes into your life through devoted reflection and belief. 

Things within our universe have a natural tendency to migrate toward other like things. While learning this concept, you must acknowledge the undeniable truth that all thoughts eventually turn into something. This isn’t magic—it’s a universal principle. You don’t have to believe it, but the better you understand it, the more aware and expecting you’ll be of your future. The Law of Attraction dictates that you, too, are part of the universe, and therefore, you have power to attract and achieve whatever can be held in the mind’s eye.

This is where things started to get murky. Although the Law of Attraction harps on the importance of holding onto our deepest desires, the other crucial part of manifestation lies in one’s ability to let these desires go. You must want something badly enough but you also must detach from it. You must obsess over it but not too much or else you’ll resist it. You have to want it so badly that you are willing to let it go because you believe, in your heart of hearts, that it will come back to you. You must ask, believe, and receive. 

After understanding the Law of Attraction, I realized the rabbit hole I dug myself was a remnant of my prior manifestation habits. I was stuck in a tunnel of perpetual doubt and darkness. Perhaps a subtle change of “heart” and “head” would allow me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sure enough, my new perspective on life granted me a lifeboat to safety. I watched as the rabbit hole finally came to a sudden halt, and similarly to Alice, I landed on my own two feet in an unfamiliar – but promising – new world.

For me, the most challenging part of manifestation was confronting my intrinsic fear of detachment. Oftentimes, you want something so deeply that you become overly attached to it. When you persistently ask for it (consciously or subconsciously), you are internalizing the fact that you lack this thing. It becomes almost habitual to acknowledge this hole in your life solely because it is not yet filled. But instead of focusing on the rich soil that will fill the hole one day, you are focused only on its current emptiness. In turn, this mindset triggers more emptiness. This ties back to the Law of Attraction—by focusing on a lack of something, you are subconsciously magnifying more of its absence. You are falling deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. 

So I did the only thing I knew how to do: I let manifestation take over my life. From sunrise to sunset, manifestation was my true best friend. My best friend (and expert of manifestation) led me to adopt the tactic of verbal confirmation to facilitate the process. Whenever I thought about a deep desire, I filtered my thoughts of lacking this thing with the following words, “It’s coming.” Nearly one-hundred times a day, I repeat to myself, “I don’t have to worry about that because I already know it’s coming.” Eventually, I actually started to believe myself. In doing so, I was no longer concerned about if it’s coming, but rather I was excited for its arrival. By focusing on the controllable aspects of my life, I accepted the inevitable uncertainty of the unknown. 

My prior obsession with seeking out the arrival date of my desires left me stranded in a boundless tunnel of self-pity and defeat. My tunnel vision blinded me from the practice of gratitude, and in turn, I unknowingly rejected the process of manifestation. Once I realized this, I stopped searching for my desires in empty spaces and I watched as the light at the end of the rabbit hole grew and flourished. Soon enough, my pessimistic thoughts became those of newfound hope and optimism. This was my escape route out and I promised to never turn back. 

While mastering the act of manifestation, I learned that I am all that I need. Once I proved to myself that I was still happy without these unruly expectations, confidence in myself and the universe was restored. By believing that the divine will always deliver, I detached myself from notions beyond my control and clung onto the constants in my life that I can always rely upon. On this journey, I discovered the essential lesson that one cannot escape the rabbit role until they first accept they’ve hit rock bottom.

Take it from someone who once refused to believe in this madness—you must never let your trust falter. Remember that the universe hears you and knows the true desires of your heart. 

Let go and surrender.  


Cover photo credit: Pinterest (Corrie Bromfield dizzybrunette3)


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