Five Ways To Maintain Your Health While Protesting

Stay safe and healthy during the protests!

by ALI DIMOVA ★ JUNE 13, 2020

2020 has been a surprising year filled with many different turns. While the #BlackLivesMatter protests have taken great prevalence in American life, the threat of the coronavirus remains. Without precautions, these gatherings could spread the virus to large groups of people. Fortunately, there are ways to advocate while preserving your health and the health of those around you! Here are some tips to help maintain your health while protesting:

Stay equipped:

Wearing face masks when leaving home has become a part of our everyday life. You will not be exempted from this reality when you attend a protest. Try to find face masks that contain a filter that can protect you from bacteria and viruses. Filtered masks are especially useful because they help to purify the air you breathe. Another necessary piece of PPE is gloves. They keep your skin protected from touching the dusty surfaces. You may also choose to wear glasses or goggles to protect your eyes.  If you don’t have gloves, bring an alcohol-based hand sanitizer so you can clean your hands periodically. Lastly, when getting ready to go protest, one important rule of thumb to remember: the more your face and skin is covered, the better shielded you’ll be from the virus! 

Credit: Instagram (@lettersfromaileen)

Credit: Instagram (@lettersfromaileen)


Don’t forget about social distancing: 

In addition to the proper equipment, keeping space between yourself and others is another effective way to protect yourself from the virus. It is challenging to maintain the recommended 6-foot distance from people in the major crowds, but try your best to stay at least two arms’ length away from others. This is one of the best tools to help you stay safe and avoid being exposed to the virus. Also, try to minimize close communication with people, especially those you don’t know. Social distancing is extremely important during a pandemic, so this rule shouldn’t be ignored!

Credit: Instagram (@loveless_designs)

Credit: Instagram (@loveless_designs)


Check the weather:

Before getting ready to go outside, one normally checks the weather to know what to expect during the day. Participating in a protest is no exception. Especially right now, the weather is so unpredictable, and sometimes getting wet in the rain or not wearing enough clothes and freezing can significantly weaken your immune system. This can later lead to catching a cold which can evolve into serious diseases and viruses (like COVID-19). So, check the weather before going to protest and dress appropriately. Don’t forget to bring umbrellas or raincoats if needed! Also remember, you are going to be walking a lot, so wear your most comfortable shoes to avoid stressing your feet!

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest


Stay hydrated and well-nourished:

Oftentimes, protesting takes up the majority of the day. However, that doesn’t mean it should prevent you from maintaining your daily habits. This is especially true for eating and drinking water! Before leaving, pack a little lunch box and take some snacks, like granola bars, fruits, nuts, etc. During the day, you can take a little break to eat your packed lunch and snacks. Also, remember to bring water! Make sure you drink a lot because protests can be especially draining and take up a lot of your energy and power. It is better to be over-prepared than under-prepared when it comes to your nourishment and hydration! 

Credit: Pinterest

Credit: Pinterest


Have symptoms? Support from home!

If you notice you have any cold or flu-like symptoms or you just aren’t feeling alright, it’s better to stay home until you feel revived. You wouldn’t want to worsen your condition or risk endangering others. By going into the crowd with any corona-related symptoms, you cannot only harm yourself even more but also put other people at a huge risk. Physically participating in the protest is very important, but protecting your health and the health of others is also a crucial aspect of advocacy! There are many different ways to support the movement from home, such as signing petitions, calling the authorities, emailing different organizations, posting on social media, and spreading awareness to friends and family.  

Credit: Instagram (@sacree_frangine)

Credit: Instagram (@sacree_frangine)


Although we are in difficult times and everyone wants to contribute to demanding justice, it is important to stay cautious of your own health and the health of everyone around you. Hopefully, these tips will keep you safe and healthy and still let you fight for what is right!


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