A Guide: How to Keep Your Friend Group Together When You End Up In Different Sororities
Just Ask Yourself: How’d we get here?
You probably held onto the idea that you and your friends would end up in the same sorority and be ‘branded sisters for life’- just like the movies. But that didn’t happen, and now you’re here–looking for something that doesn’t say “Freshman year friendships never last” but rather someone that’s gonna tell you that you WILL stay friends. Well, I’m here to bear the good news. Coming from someone who still lives with their freshman year friends, and we all ended up in different sororities, I would say -I’m an expert- on this situation.
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Honestly, there is only one simple step that you need to follow to ensure your future together and we are here to share it with you:
#1: Hangout
I know this sounds stupid, but this is the one main thing that will keep your friendship intact. I don't just mean a short 10-minute hangout. I mean, stay up watching the latest Euphoria episode and then stay up an extra 3 hours making a pro and cons list for why you guys don't have boyfriends (it's a must-do!). Get your nails done, get Starbucks, then sit on the couch together in silence for hours scrolling through Instagram. It won't be awkward. Trust me, this works every time. Bonding is key.
Also, don't make the excuse that you're busy and can't hang out. Even if you need to get your work done, you can study or do homework together. You don't always need to be having a gossip sesh to spend time together -although highly recommended.
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If, for some odd reason, this doesn't work, you can always resort to the next step.
#2: Spam their phone with Tik Tok’s, and the occasional random facetime calls.
Sadly, not everyone responds to texts immediately, so calling every once in a while will show them you still care about the friendship. Tik Tok is another thing. Sending funny or relatable Tik Toks might not seem like a conversation, but it is. You send one, they send one, and by that point, they might wanna Facetime so both of you can laugh about it together. So even if they are hanging out with their new, super-funny sorority sisters, they’re still thinking about how you’re way funnier and how their new friends could never be you.
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My one last piece of advice for you will work under any circumstance.
#3: Live Together
This one’s my personal favorite and, by far, the one that works. Living in your sorority house is fun and all, but being able to have whomever you want over and still have your privacy is unmatched. You can live in a dorm or an apartment reasonably close to all of your sorority houses. All of you will be able to hang out with your new sisters during the day if you want, but you know where home is—which is the number one priority. This shows you’re still open and accepting that you all are in different houses for a reason, but you’ll still have your real sisters by the end of the day.
Credit: Pinterest
Just remember that joining a different sorority than your friends isn’t the end of the world. Friendships aren’t that hard to maintain if everyone is willing to put in the effort to make it work long term. College is all about making new friends, but that doesn’t mean your current friends will leave you behind- unless you let them. So the ball is in your court. Make it work.
Cover Photo Credit: Pinterest