This Year’s Cuffing Season: What to Expect, Predictions, and How to Get Through It

It’s everyone’s favorite (or least favorite) time of the year again…


Whether you’ve been dreading or looking forward to it, cuffing season is back. However, unlike every other cuffing season, this time we’re going to be prepared for it and play the game as opposed to watching in the stands. If you’re choosing to play, suit up because this season is going to be a tough win.


Credit: Pinterest


Cuffing season is known to all as the “end all be all” of the dating game. Scouting already took place earlier this summer in August–we looked for boys we could potentially see as cuffing material but still enjoyed our hot girl summer. At the start of September is where we drafted out our top few picks. Now, things are starting to get real. The weather is getting colder, and the longing for a couples costume is getting stronger. In tryouts, it's time to turn up the flirt and make a move on that guy you like.

By November, you should be consistently hanging out or going on dates with that one guy you have your eye on. Bonus points for snagging one of his sweatshirts! Snow has fallen, and it's time to secure the bag. By now, cuffing season is coming to a close, and you’re either crying in your room listening to Adele or, if you’re lucky, your brand new whirlwind romance will take you to the championship game: Valentine’s Day. Luckily for you, after multiple heartbreaks and failed talking stages during this S.O.B. season, I’ve learned a couple of tips to either make it out with a brand new man or just make it through the season alive. 


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Tip #1: Put Yourself Out There!

That cute boy in your business class isn’t going to know you’re into him if you don’t talk to him. Eye contact will only get you so far until you come off as creepy. If you never talk to them, nothing will ever happen no matter how hard you manifest it. If you have any opportunity to talk, do it. I promise you won’t come off as weird or too eager. And anyways, 99% of the time you’re wayyyyy out of their league. So just do it and say hi. 


Credit: Pinterest


Tip #2: Know what you want

If you don’t know what you’re looking for, you’re not going to attract the right thing for you. Take time to ask yourself whether or not you really want to be in a relationship, or if you just want someone's attention. Nothing is wrong with either, but when you don’t know for sure what you want, that's when you get yourself into sticky situations.


Credit: Pinterest


Tip #3: Love yourself before you can love anyone else

Confidence. Is. Hot. Radiating girl boss energy will attract anyone you want. But that's easier said than done, right? Building self-confidence can be super hard, but it all starts with learning how to love the little things about yourself, focusing on self improvement, and keeping a positive attitude about who you are as a person. It's time to start thinking you’re the hottest bitch to ever walk the earth… because you are.


Credit: Pinterest


If you would rather keep it on the low this cuffing season, take this time to focus on yourself. Challenge yourself both physically and mentally. Create a new workout plan, make new friends, find a new hobby, or develop a healthy schedule. By changing little things to create a more well- balanced routine and taking time to learn more about yourself, cuffing season can turn into glow-up season. With that being said, good luck, ladies! Let the games begin.

Cover Photo Credit: Pinterest


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