Lucky Girl Syndrome

“Just like magic, I get everything I want ‘cause I attract it.”


No, seriously, being delusional works. If you’ve heard of manifesting or the law of attraction, you might have heard of Lucky Girl Syndrome. So, what exactly is it?

Lucky Girl Syndrome is exactly what it sounds like, a condition in which everything goes according to plan and works out in your favor. The world is a mirror of your mind. If you think nothing is going your way, you will keep attracting that energy back to you. As Bootsy Collins says in After The Storm, “Whatever goes around eventually comes back to you. So you gotta be careful, baby, and look both ways.” On the contrary, if you believe that you are the luckiest, most blessed person in the world—the queen of manifesting—you are naturally going to attract that energy. 

As someone with anxiety, I will be the first and not the last to say it is not realistic to be positive all the time. Part of attaining that attractive, magnetic, high-vibrational energy consists of doing the inner work to understand that it is okay for every day not to be the best day of your life. It is okay for you to feel like crap and just let these negative emotions pass like you always have. You just have to believe you are worthy because you are! It never deterred me from manifesting things like moving into a nice dorm or getting that promotion, nor will it deter you from following your dreams. Self-awareness is the key.


You may already be doing things to raise your vibrations without realizing it. Working out, for example, is a great way to do it. Having that hype music playing as you finish that set raises endorphin levels in the body which will then, in turn, raise your vibrations. Have a dance party with yourself because why not? Making Pinterest boards of your dream life, your dream wardrobe, and your dream vacation can do it too. All you have to do is believe it is already yours because it is. I call this positive gaslighting.

Another key thing to keep in mind when it comes to lucky girl syndrome, which is among the most important, is visualization. What is the hottest and most successful version of you up to right now? Really think about it, then journal it. While you are at it, take time to jot down what you are most grateful for. Remember that when it comes to manifesting, you have to think from the frame of mind that you have your manifestation. Another thing I like to do is make playlists to get in tune with my highest self, where she is, and how she is spending her day. Create the soundtrack to your dream life, then listen to it. Last but not least, affirmations.  

  1. This universe is rigged in my favor. 

  2. I am a love magnet

  3. My reality is a dream come true 

  4. My energy is beautiful and desired by all. 

  5. How am I always so lucky? Everything I seek is also seeking me.

Repeat these back to yourself over the course of the next few weeks, and watch what happens. Good luck <3

University Girl Magazine