Get Over Your Fear of Group Fitness

The third floor of Barnes isn’t as scary as it may seem.


I know what you’re probably thinking… working out at a big public gym, let alone in a group setting, is intimidating AF. I can barely walk into the weight room without worrying that I am being judged by others. But if you’re looking to change up your regular routine, you should give group fitness classes a try.

I love exercising, but towards the end of last semester, I was in the biggest workout slump of my life. I had no motivation to drag myself to the gym and repeat the same workout for the thousandth time. Around that time, my Tiktok feed was all about yoga and pilates and how effective they can be. 

I had always been interested in taking one of the group fitness classes at the Barnes Center, but I was too afraid to go by myself. One day, my friends and I decided to sign up for yogalates on a whim, and we have been attending classes ever since.

If I didn’t get out of my comfort zone, I wouldn’t have found a new outlet to reduce stress and improve my mental health. It has also been so much fun experiencing something different and going to the gym with my friends. 

I completely understand that group fitness is not everyone’s vibe. The gym is a space to focus on yourself, clear your headspace, and accomplish fitness goals, so doing so alongside others and under instruction may not be for you. I’m only saying that you should give it a try at least once while you’re on campus.


Most classes are held on the third floor. Each class runs for 50 minutes, and there are usually around 15 people in attendance, depending on the day. Even though the room is small, I have never felt overwhelmed because everyone is in their own space.

The best part is that classes are free, and there are so many different ones to sign up for. Find a class through the website, text your girlfriends and even your guy friends (I forced mine to do yoga), and try something new. 

Classes I recommend:

Morning Yoga: If you’re a morning person, this slow-flow basic class is a great way to start your day. I always leave feeling energized and refreshed.

Foundations of Yoga: If you’re a beginner like I was, this is a perfect class to start with. The pace of the workout is slow, and the moves are not too advanced.

Vinyasa Flow: This class is a little more advanced and focuses a lot on the lower body. The workout wasn’t the easiest, but the instructor was so uplifting and positive throughout. 

What to wear: 

When I go to pilates or yoga, I usually throw on a pair of leggings and a sports bra, but I recommend wearing whatever makes you feel comfortable. Anything from a t-shirt and yoga pants to shorts and a sweatshirt is acceptable. Just make sure you wear clothes that allow for mobility and some flexibility. As for shoes, it doesn’t matter. You take them off anyways. Have fun with your fits. I find that if I feel good in what I am wearing, it makes working out 10 times more enjoyable.


What to bring:

No yoga mat? No problem. All necessary materials will be provided. However, a water bottle is a must, especially if you’re participating in a more physically demanding fitness class. Hydrate or diedrate, and I stand by that. 

A lot of times, we miss out on opportunities because we are too nervous to face the unknown, and we are terrified of being judged by others. That’s completely valid; however, there shouldn’t be anything holding you back from becoming your most confident and best self. Don’t let your fear of working out alongside others stop you from experiencing group fitness. I promise: everyone else is there for themselves, not to criticize you.

University Girl Magazine