Emma Chamberlain's Influence on Seasonal Fashion

The ultimate fashion influencer.

by EMMA NEENAN ★ APRIL 26, 2023


It is no shock to anyone with an Instagram account that Emma Chamberlain has been the go-to outfit inspo for the majority of girls since 2021, and that shows no signs of changing. For those who live under a rock, Emma Chamberlain is a 21 year old influencer who blew up on YouTube in 2017. She currently has 16.2 million followers on Instagram and she can definitely be found in the "outfit inspo" section of your Pinterest board. Basically, if a new fashion trend started, 9 times out of 10, it was most likely Emma. She has a podcast titled "Anything Goes" where she discusses trends, mental health, do's and don'ts of social media and influencing, and the latest fashion trends based off of season.

I began to notice that after every seasonal fashion podcast was posted, I would see more and more girls wearing the trends she predicted just a few days prior. For example, in her "What I've Been Wearing Recently" episode of "Anything Goes" she discusses her new obsession with midi skirts, followed by an Instagram post wearing one. It did not take long for stores to begin advertising midi skirts in their display windows. She discusses the trends she sees being the most influential throughout the season and how exactly she would style those pieces. Through this episode, she talks about where you can find these pieces and the importance of establishing a dependable wardrobe.  This episode was published on June 9th of 2022 and throughout the summer I noticed a few overdone American Eagle ripped denim shorts and more silk midi skirts. This makes us wonder if Emma is predicting fashion, or if she is the new role model for our seasonal fashion?


She has another episode of her podcast titled "Trendy of Timeless", emphasizing the importance of dependable basics. This is such an important, but also rarely talked about concept of fashion since we are living in a time of high consumption of fast fashion. Emma emphasizes that it is crucial to determine your own personal style opposed to running after trends that will only last a month. She then explains how building a closet of dependable pieces is what she is currently working on, and welcoming the idea of minimalism when it comes to her wardrobe.

This is a very hot take considering we are living in the era of Shein and DHGate hauls on Tik Tok. However, chasing after the newest trends and consuming in fast fashion does not add any individuality to your wardrobe and also does not allow you to correctly express yourself through fashion. Miss Emma serves us as not only our seasonal fashion icon but also a pioneer for our way out of the Shein fast fashion era that desperately needs to end (I know hot take but it had to be said). Bravo Emma for your contribution to every season of our fashion trends and finding a style that so perfectly suits you, I will be tuning in for every future episode of "Anything Goes" and I recommend the same for anyone interested in our current society's fashion trends.

University Girl Magazine