The Ins & Outs of a College Romance

When the guy across the hall starts looking a little too cute…


The butterflies in your stomach that come from catching feelings have a way of swooping in unexpectedly and taking you by surprise. This rush of emotions can feel both exhilarating and terrifying, leaving you wondering if you’re experiencing a simple crush or if romance is on the horizon. A new relationship can be so exciting, especially on a college campus where the possibilities are endless. The question quickly becomes, how do you balance your daily life while building a healthy relationship? 


Establish open lines of communication. There is never anything that you should be scared to talk to your partner about, especially as you grow closer. Before you get into the deep stuff, casual conversations will help you open up. Talk about your day—did you love that one class, or did you wake up feeling down? Eventually, sharing the good, bad, and even the ugly about what makes you, you will come naturally, taking your relationship to the next level. Communication is especially important when talking about sex and commitment because being on the same page can save you from a potentially ~awkward~ situation. Being open with each other from the start allows a foundation of trust to grow, something that is so essential in the long term.

Invest in quality time. It’s so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of classes, homework, clubs, sports, and friends while at school, and the list just goes on. Deadlines and responsibilities build up throughout the year, making it tricky to spend time with your significant other. Luckily, there’s a super easy fix. Take a minute to look at your schedules, and find time each week to dedicate to being together. How much time is entirely up to you, seeing each other every day is just as acceptable as seeing each other a couple of times a week. The time you set aside for each other can be filled with anything your heart desires, and will keep you excited for the next time around.


Set your boundaries. Boundaries are an extremely important part of any relationship, especially in a college environment. For example, say you love to party but your partner doesn’t feel 100% comfortable with you going out every night. Here, the perfect solution would be to explain to each other the “why” behind your respective feelings, and then work together to compromise. Boundaries also allow you to have time for yourself because staying in tune with your own feelings is a basic human need. So get that assignment done and hang with your friends. Being your own person with your own extraordinary life will strengthen your relationship. Remember, you are working together to create the best possible shared experience.

Spice things up! Being at school, falling into the same repetitive cycle is so common. For couples, the cycle of going to class, the dining hall, spending the night together, and of course, sex, can only be so fun… so be open to each other’s ideas and interests. It’s never a bad idea to get creative together, and getting out of your comfort zone can be a good thing. Similarly, try a new restaurant for date night, or go to a sports game. Maybe even try to get off campus (because who doesn’t love a good Target run), or explore a nearby park. Don’t be afraid to try new things, and let the memories together grow. Soon enough, you’ll start to feel like built-in best friends who get to do all the good stuff.


So when that special someone catches your attention, don’t let the butterflies, or being in college, scare you. If you feel ready, then absolutely go for the relationship—but make sure to invest the time and effort to build something healthy together. It might just be exactly what you’re looking for.

University Girl Magazine