Your Role in the 2022 Elections

Because all our voices voice matter.


Election season is officially here! As members of Generation Z, the youngest age group eligible to vote, the decisions that the Supreme Court enacts decide our future. We need to be aware of the candidates running and current issues in our society to use our voices to promote change. Every. vote. counts.

It is absolutely critical that we participate in our democracy by, primarily, registering to vote. Once we’ve done that, we must go to the voting booths and submit our ballots. We should stay informed, be aware of the candidates and what they are standing for, and as a result, formulate our own opinions to recognize that our voice matters and our votes do indeed count. 

It’s officially November 8th, and today much is at stake affecting our generation. From gun control, to sustainability and climate change, to abortion and reproductive rights, to LGBTQ+ and racial justice, to student debt, our vote seriously does determine the path of our communal future. 

There are many ways we can keep up with the Midterm Elections. Let’s admit it: most of us use our social media accounts to stay on top of the news, whether that be in the form of staying up to date on our family and friends to hearing about what is happening in our communities and in the world. In doing so, we can also become informed about the Midterm Elections through social media. From Twitter to TikTok to Instagram, there are so many accounts to check in on and/or follow. As promoted by Her Campus, here are a few great sources: 


@WhenWeAllVote - When We All Vote was founded and created by First Lady Michelle Obama. This nonpartisan organization strives to increase young participation in the voting polls by sharing information voters should know. Celebrities Selena Gomez and Bretman Rock are the co-chairs, along with a few other famous representatives. 

@TheHill - As the largest independent US political news website, The Hill and its Twitter account is a consistent and nonpartisan resource for all updates and news on our national and foreign policy. 


There are many accounts that post videos created to spread news and information on politics such as The Recount (@therecount) and GenZ for Change (@GenZForChange). There are also influential activists to follow. 


@TheSlacktivists designs and showcases their content to educate our national and global communities about issues happening around the world. 

Absorbing your news information from social media is an extremely effective way to stay engaged and up-to-date about what is happening in our society; it is quick, effective, and straightforward. No wonder why our generation loves it. 

Reminding your family and friends to vote, posting on social media, and volunteering at a phone bank or at a polling center are amazing ways to participate in the election in addition to sending in your ballot. 

We are the generation of the future. The decisions being made and the laws being passed today will affect our lives for many years to come. It is crucial that we elect candidates who will represent our values and beliefs—who will ensure that we are given a future that betters our society. Today and every day moving forward, let’s take action by using our right to vote and demand our voices be heard. This is our lives, our communities, and our country. We are the voice of the future. 

University Girl Magazine