A Girl’s Guide to Living “For the Plot”

This mindset will change your life.


“Do it for the plot.” You have probably heard this phrase a lot recently from your friends and your favorite influencers. Maybe you also find yourself saying it in certain situations. 

That being said, the idea of doing things “for the plot” is all over the place, and this empowering mindset is becoming increasingly popular amongst our generation. Although it sounds cliche, this phrase means being in control of your own narrative. This idea is about taking chances and making every day exciting. Sometimes life can be so boring and repetitive, therefore it is necessary to spice things up and do things that excite us. 


So many people, including myself, find themselves afraid to say “yes.” Yes to a change, yes to making bold choices. Even though it can be scary to take that chance, it is so worth it.  Of course, doing it “for the plot” can have its consequences, but if you never push yourself out of your comfort zone, you won’t know what you’re missing out on.  


I have adopted the “for the plot” mindset, especially when it comes to my college adventures and life in general, and this change of attitude has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. If I hadn’t started doing things “for the plot,” life would be a lot different.

For starters, I wouldn’t be in my current relationship if I didn’t work up the guts to ask the cute guy I met at a party to an event my club was hosting. My friends and I wouldn’t have had some of the best nights and made some of our favorite college memories if we didn’t say f*ck it. So far, I have found that doing it “for the plot” can be so rewarding, and no matter what happens, you will almost always end up with a good story to tell.


So, if you’re convinced to start living “for the plot,” here are some tips to enter your next era…

Be open to new opportunities:

When it comes to doing stuff  “for the plot,” you have to become comfortable with taking opportunities as they come. If a new opportunity presents itself, don’t let it pass you by. Saying yes to doing something out of your comfort zone might end up being the best choice you’ve ever made, and serve you well in the long run.

Don’t think too much about the consequences:

I say this very lightly because it is extremely important to be aware of the outcomes when you’re making certain decisions. This advice applies to less serious situations, like whether or not you go up to the hot guy at the party, cut or dye your hair,  or go on a last minute trip to the city with your friends. The list goes on, but you get the point. Doing it “for the plot” is all about spontaneity. If you think too much about what might happen if you go through with something, you might change your mind and regret it later. Remember that at the end of the day, it isn’t that deep, and the memories will be worth it. 

Do it for yourself: 

Don’t do things “for the plot” just to please other people. Do things because you want to. It’s your life and your story to create. Have fun with it! Doing it for your “plot” might change your life:)